We’re proud to announce the release of PaperCut 6.1, including the following changes:
- LDAP support for both user/group synchronization and authentication which allows for improved integration with non-Windows platforms like Novell and Unix.
- Allow print jobs to be associated with Shared Accounts but charge the job to user’s personal account. This allows for user-based quotas, whilst still allocating to Shared Accounts for reporting.
- Improved print popup speed in User Client.
- Greatly improved scalability when running the User Client on thousands of workstations simultaneously.
- Do not let users run more than one instance of the User Client simultaneously.
- When starting User Client with “/silent” option, the client will continue retry to connect if the server is unavailable or the user does not yet exist.
- When a user prints as “another user” using the popup, log the printing under the other user’s account.
- Reduce the bandwith used by the User Client by approximately 80%.
- When a user logs into the user web pages or prints as “another user” using the popup, automatically create the user in database if they do not exist, .
- Fixed a problem when running the User Client on Mac OS X, when proxy servers are configured.
- Default to non-metric units when running in the US.
- Minor fixes for page detection for PCL based printers
- Fixed error in print provider that sometimes occurrs when a user connects to print servers through terminal services.
- Fix to local installation of User Client to correctly setup the client to run automatically upon login.
- Reduce the Windows installer size by about 5MB by using improved compression method.