SandComp is a large manufacturing company consisting of 3000 employees spread over 4 sites. All sites are connected via a fast Wide Area Network (WAN). Printers are hosted on local servers with the largest site hosting printers in a Microsoft Cluster environment.
Must support a Microsoft Cluster environment.
Must centrally store print data on a server located at the main office.
Must not cause disruption if the WAN link goes down between offices.
The consulting division needs to be able to track printing by project (client/matter format) so costs can be passed back to their clients.
The finance department needs secure print release on their shared printers stored in the utility room.
The implementation of PaperCut MF in this environment would best be managed using staggered or step-by-step approach. First, the software should be installed and tested on the central offices' clustered environment, then rolled out to the other offices, and finally the secure printing and client popups should be implemented. A staggered approach is likely to minimize disruption allowing network administrators to focus on the tasks at hand.
PaperCut MF supports Microsoft Clustering Services. The installation process is documented at Chapter 24, Clustering and High Availability.
The print servers at the remote locations can be installed as secondary servers reporting back to the primary server. All data will be stored in one location. The services communicate using XML Web Services and only consume a few bytes per print job. Hence the system will work well over the WAN.
PaperCut MF has a fail-open design. This means that if a failure occurs, such as the network fails between servers, printing will continue as normal.
The consulting division can make use of the share accounts feature to track their printing by client. More information on shared accounts is available in Chapter 8, Shared Accounts. These advanced users would benefit from using the advanced popup. The advanced popup offers advanced searching features allowing end-users to quickly located the appropriate account and enter job comments as required.
Secured print release can be facilitated by setting up a terminal (a low-end PC will do) in the finance department's utility room. When a member of the finance department prints to a shared printer, their document will hold in the queue until that member goes to the utility room and releases the print job with his or her username and password. This process ensures that documents stay secure and can't be "accidentally" collected by other people.
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