PaperCut MF allows printing to be disabled for particular users using time-based locks. These time latches allow a user's printing to be disabled for a predetermined amount of time. After this time has passed, the user's printing is re-enabled without the need for manual intervention. Some examples of where time latches may be useful include:
Student discipline - Under some circumstances it might be useful to disallow printing for a student who has been misbehaving in class, abusing computer resources or for other disciplinary reasons. The user's printing can be disabled for the duration of a class, or indefinitely. Once the time period has passed, printing will automatically be enabled for this user.
Classroom Management - Using the bulk user actions screen, printing can be disabled for a group of users. This can be useful to stop a classroom from printing for a period of time.
User Management - If a employee or student is away for an extended period of time and may return, printing can be disabled so that their details and balance is unchanged but no-one can use their account for printing.
The disable printing option is located on each user on the user details screen.
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