Stopping and Starting the Application Server

Most of the time it will not be necessary to stop or start the server; however there are some circumstances where this is required:

The procedure for stopping the server depends on the platform the server is run on.


When you start the application server, wait approximately 15-20 seconds for the service to start before accessing the admin interface. This gives the system time to initialize.

Stopping and Starting the Application Server on Windows

The PaperCut MF application server runs as a Windows service when installed on Windows, and it can be stopped and started using the Services control panel applet. To stop/start/restart the application server:

  1. Open the services control panel. (StartControl PanelAdministrative ToolsServices)

  2. Find the service named PaperCut Application Server.

  3. Right-click on the service.

  4. Select the option you want to perform (e.g. Stop/Start/Restart).

An alternative to using the services applet is to run the batch files located in the directory [app-path]\server\bin\win. Using the batch files might be more convenient when the process needs to be automated (like scripting a database backup). The batch files to stop/start the server are called:

Stopping and Starting the Application Server on Mac

The PaperCut MF application server may be stopped or started on Mac by using the following scripts found at [app-path]/server/bin/mac/:

Stopping and Starting the Application Server on Linux

The PaperCut MF application server may be stopped or started on Linux by using the following scripts found at [app-path]/server/bin/linux-[x64|i686]/: