New User Creation Rules

It is inevitable that new users will be added to your network in the future. To streamline account setup, PaperCut MF offers the option of having new users automatically assigned initial settings such as starting credit, privilege level, and other settings based on their group membership. Users are automatically added to PaperCut MF when either:

Taking the time to configure initial settings rules means one less job for administrators to perform! The group based control offers maximum flexibility and ensures that it's possible to have a different set of initial settings rules for different types of users. This flexibility is particularly important in an academic environment where students of different year levels need different settings.

For example an administrator may wish for new users belonging members of the Senior Students group to be allocated $10 starting credit and restricted access, while all other students receive $5.00 starting credit.

New user creation rules are controlled under the GroupsGroup DetailsNew User Settings section. When a new group is added it does not provide any new user settings. To enable user creation rules for a group the Use this group to define new user settings option must be enabled.

Initial settings applied to new users

Figure 6.3. Initial settings applied to new users


Changes made to new user settings are in the Groups section only affect users NOT yet listed in the system. (i.e. future users). Any users already listed in the system are not affected. Initial user settings also do not apply when users change groups. To modify settings or credit on existing users, see Bulk user actions in the following section.


Initial settings can become confusing when a user belongs to more than one group. PaperCut MF uses the following logic to allocate initial settings:


To control when users are automatically created, see the section called “On Demand User Creation”.