March 17, 2016
This is a bugfix release for 16.0 (Build 34949) and contains the following changes: Fixes: Fixed a problem printing jobs that were held in a hold/release queue prior to upgrading from earlier versions previous to 16.0 (Build 34949). Fixed a problem that occurred while upgrading from earlier versions previous to 15.0 (Build 31930). Other Notes: This release does NOT contain a database upgrade if upgrading from PaperCut MF 16.0 (Build 34949). If upgrading from a 15.x or earlier version, this release WILL contain a database upgrade.
March 17, 2016
New Features: Direct Printing: Customers no longer have to run a print server to be able to take advantage of PaperCut’s feature set. PaperCut’s Direct Print Monitor tracks jobs between desktops and an MFD. Significant UI improvements around queue management ensure no additional administrative overhead. New look PaperCut MF manual: We are revamping the PaperCut MF manual. This first phase includes a refresh to the User Interface and easier navigation and search functionality. PaperCut MF on Epson, Muratec, and OKI: We have extended the range of devices supported with PaperCut MF. In partnership with PaperCut, Epson, OKI, and Muratec have […]
January 21, 2016
This is a bugfix release for 15.3 and contains the following changes: Fixes: Improved the page load time when the server does not have access to an external network. Fixed an issue preventing scans to email or home folder from being delivered when users have a space in their user name. Updated the icon for the PaperCut Card Wizard. Fixed an issue in Croatian PDF reports causing characters to not be displayed. Fixed an issue allowing users with non-verified and deleted PayEx agreements to perform transactions. Fixed an issue in the Executive Summary report causing an incorrect count of the […]
December 21, 2015
This is a bugfix release for 15.3 and contains the following changes: Fixes: Improved Print Provider start up time when there are a large number of printers. MySQL 5.5 and above is now supported. Additional retries for Find-Me printing with printers on different physical Windows print servers. Added the Envelope DL paper size to the PaperCut global print driver. Fixed an issue in the Pay Station software resulting in some user balances not updating. Fixed a misleading error message when “server-command delete-existing-user” attempted to delete a user that was associated with a shared account. Improved ability to auto-refund print jobs […]