April 12, 2019
Note: This release does not support 32-bit workstations. If you have users launching the User Client or Release Station on a 32-bit workstation, see End-of-life for 32-bit Operating Systems. PC-15503 Fix: Fixed an issue introduced in 19.0.1 that prevented the release of print jobs that were in the hold/release queue at the time of upgrading.If you have a version earlier than 19.0.1, you can upgrade at any time and your print jobs will be retained and releasable.If you have installed 19.0.1, we recommend upgrading outside of business hours to minimize the impact of lost jobs.
April 9, 2019
Note: This release no longer supports 32-bit workstations. If you have users launching the User Client or Release Station on a 32-bit workstation, see this Knowledge Base article for more information. PC-15503 New Features: Print Scripting: Added a new print script function to determine whether or not a print job originated from the PaperCut Mobility Print application (inputs.job.isMobilityPrintJob). MAC-5327 Enhancements: Application Server: Improved Application Server performance by changing the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed from 8 K to 16 K per port (configurable in server.properties). PC-11001 Improved performance when under heavy load by adding a new connector for SQL Server 2016 to reduced database connection times. […]
March 20, 2019
This is a Maintenance Release for 18.3 and contains the following changes: Fixes: Print Provider: Fixed an issue that caused Print Provider to restart when analyzing PCL5 spool files generated by some printer drivers. PC-15524 Other Notes: If you are running v18.3.3, there is NO database upgrade.
February 26, 2019
This is a Maintenance Release for 18.3 and contains the following changes: Fixes: Authorize.Net Payment Gateway: Added an option in the ext-payment-gateway-authorize-net.properties file to allow the use of the SHA-2 encryption method (authorize-net.sha2-hash-value). PC-15179 TouchNet Payment Gateway: Added an option in the ext-payment-gateway-touchnet.properties file to ensure that user balances are updated and users receive appropriate transaction completion notifications in environments that have SSO Authentication enabled (touchnet.use-configured-links=Y). PC-14847 HP PageWide XL series PostScript printer driver: Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect detection of page size after the user had selected a custom paper size.PC-15305 Fixed an issue that sometimes caused low toner notification emails to […]