Chapter 22. PaperCut & AirPrint (iPad / iOS Printing)

Table of Contents

Sharing Printers to iOS Devices (AirPrint)
The PaperCut iPad / iOS App
Troubleshooting & FAQ
Advanced AirPrint Setup
AirPrint Technical Description
Limiting AirPrint Printer Deployment
Advanced App Deployment


PaperCut support for AirPrint®[1] is currently in preview release for early adopters (we were going to add a "Labs" label, but decided it was already cool enough!). Development will be ongoing (e.g. improved small screen support) and a full release is expected for version 12.

AirPrint is Apple's technology for enabling printing from iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch). PaperCut's AirPrint support enables printing to all your PaperCut managed printers across your enterprise. As well as enabling printing, the PaperCut iPad App also provides the rich functionality desktop users are used to, such as authentication, balance display and selecting / charging to shared accounts when printing.

The PaperCut iPad App is able to be deployed / installed in a pre-configured form for your network via a simple URL.

PaperCut's AirPrint support works by providing two key parts:

  1. The PaperCut AirPrint Enabler, to enable printing from iOS devices to print queues managed by PaperCut.

  2. The PaperCut iOS App, providing support for print authentication, balance display, account selection and other features.

At the time of writing there is no built-in option provided by Apple to print from an iOS device to server shared print queues. PaperCut enables existing technologies built into Mac OS (such as Bonjour/mDNS) to expose PaperCut managed server shared print queues over AirPrint. Some printers include built-in support for AirPrint (for printing direct from iOS devices to the printer), however the nature of print control/accounting requires that print jobs are intercepted by a central server. Additionally, most organizations want to leverage their existing print infrastructure rather than change it. PaperCut's solution for AirPrint will allow this.


  1. Mac OS X 10.7 system to share the print queues (desktop version is fine, server tools not required)

  2. Apple iOS 5 devices to print from

  3. Wireless network


This preview release of PaperCut for AirPrint officially supports iPad printing only. A future release will extend support to iPhone and iPod Touch printing.

The PaperCut AirPrint Enabler is a part of the PaperCut primary and secondary server installations. To share printers over AirPrint it must be running on a Mac OS X 10.7 or newer system. AirPrint is a new and emerging technology, so although older versions and other platforms could work, we have chosen to support the latest release (and consequently the latest patch levels) for the best experience.

For Windows, Linux or Novell sites, or sites with a Mac OS 10.6 or older print server they would prefer not to upgrade, a separate (secondary) Mac OS 10.7 print server can be configured to share the AirPrint queues. This can be as simple as purchasing a Mac Mini system and making it accessible from the wireless network.

[1] "AIRPRINT" is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.