Table of Contents
A report is a representation of data, often in a printable tabular format. PaperCut MF provides a set of built-in reports. These include simple pre-built reports accessed via one-click, up to more advanced reports constructed using custom filters.
PaperCut MF is an open system. System administrators with database management experience may choose to run the system on an external database system. 3rd party reporting tools can then be used to construct custom reports. The PaperCut Software Development team can also consult on custom report development.
Reports can be produced by selecting the date range and then clicking on one of the report format icons. Common date ranges, such as Last 30 days, and Previous Month can be selected via the drop down box. The Ad-hoc option may be used to generate the reports with custom date ranges and filters (e.g. generate a User printing - summaryreport limited to a particular department). A sample of each report can be seen by clicking on the Show sample link. A sample report gives an indication of what the final report will look like.
The one-click reports accessed under the Reports section can be grouped into the following areas.
These are reports producing information about users. They range from a list of users, their names and current account balance, to detailed reports listing all print jobs printed by a user over a particular time-frame.
Printer reports produce information on printers including configuration, usage summaries and statistics.
The print log is a detailed list of all printing performed on the network. The print log reports allow administrators to produce reports list all jobs over a given date range with simple one-click version for today's print jobs and largest print jobs.
These reports group printer usage by network group allowing system administrators to determine which group of users performs the most prints. These reports are ideal for gaining a quick overview of printing costs performed by work area, department, floor, management level, etc.
Administrators may use the shared account reports to track printing allocated to shared accounts via the popup.
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