Chapter 23. Web Cashier

Table of Contents

Setting Up Web Cashier
Purchasing Items
Depositing Funds
Web Cashier Order History
Advanced Web Cashier Configuration
Assigning Web Cashier User
Web Cashier Reports

The Web Cashier is a simple web interface that provides a till/cashier to facilitate simple transactions using PaperCut MF accounts. It's specially designed for non-technical staff in educational organizations. For example the cashier user may:

Although it is possible for an administrator to perform account adjustments at any time, the Web Cashier interface is a simpler interface designed specifically for non-technical users such as office administration staff, library staff and service counter staff.

Web Cashier can be used in a variety of ways. Some examples:

Setting Up Web Cashier

Web Cashier is not enabled by default and must first be set up by the PaperCut MF administrator. To set up Web Cashier:

  1. Enable it by clicking the button Enable and set up Web Cashier under OptionsGeneralWeb Cashier.

  2. To set up Web Cashier to sell ad-hoc services or products (items) the administrator should first define them. To add an item:

    1. Press the Add New Item button.

    2. Give the item a name or short description.

    3. Enter a default cost.

    4. Press Add Item.

    5. To delete an item click on the delete link. It is also possible to change the default cost of the item later.

    Web Cashier items

    Figure 23.1. Web Cashier items

  3. Optionally customize the text displayed on the Purchase and Depositscreens or header of acknowledgment slips. Examples are provided. For more configuration details see the section called “Advanced Web Cashier Configuration”.

  4. Access Web Cashier using the URL http://[server-name]:9191/webcashier. This will be the URL you provide to your Web Cashier users later (e.g. Office/Admin/Service-desk staff).

  5. Perform some test transactions and ensure Web Cashier is set up to your requirements.

  6. Grant Web Cashier user privileges to the users that will require access (i.e. teacher, office staff, librarian, etc.). To read more about assigning Web Cashier access to users or groups see the section called “Assigning Web Cashier User ”