Table of Contents
Web Print is a driver-less printing service that allows users to print by uploading documents from a web browser. No client software or driver installation is required. Web Print provides a simple way to enable printing for laptop, wireless and anonymous users without the overhead of installing printer drivers and managing server authentication.
The recent growth in popularity of laptops and other small devices such as NetBooks and smart phones is changing the landscape of network printing. Where it was previously normal to only allow printing from in-house systems there is now a growing need to support casual printing from user-owned devices. Providing users with information about how to configure these devices can be inconvenient and complicated due to issues such as drivers and authentication, and in some situations may not be possible at all.
Due to this complexity many organizations opt to simply disallow printing from user-owned systems. A common workaround in these environments is for users to send themselves a document (e.g. via email, on a USB drive) and print from an in-house system. Web Print works in a similar way: it allows a user to upload their file to an in-house system (known as a Web Print server) and have this system perform the printing on their behalf.
With Web Print users are authenticated when they log into the PaperCut MF end-user web interface. Any documents they upload can then be tracked against their user name. Users have access to the standard selection of features normally available for in-house printing, including access to shared accounts.
Some of the key features of PaperCut's Web Print solution include:
Simple wizard style interface, accessed from any web browser.
Users authenticate with their regular (network / domain) logins.
100% web based. No drivers, client software, or browser plugins required.
File uploads with progress indicator (in the style of GMail attachment uploads).
Supports popular document formats including PDF, DOC/DOCX (and other Microsoft Office Word formats), XLS/XLSX (and other Microsoft Office Excel Formats), PPT/PPTX (and other Microsoft Office PowerPoint formats), and Microsoft XPS (XML Paper Specification).
Users select printers from an auto-generated list or a clickable printer map, which can be designed or imported using open standards and free software.
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