User Client

The PaperCut MF activity tracking and charging is implemented using 100% server-side technology. User Client software is not required as part of the activity monitoring process.


The use of client software for activity monitoring could open up security problems as client software is readily accessible to end-users. By design PaperCut Software developers endeavor to implement all monitoring at the server level eliminating client-side loopholes. The client software supplied with PaperCut MF is simply a presentation layer around server-side implementation.

Client software is provided to facilitate four tasks:

The user client balance window

Figure 5.4. The user client balance window

The user client's confirmation popup

Figure 5.5. The user client's confirmation popup

The user client's standard account selection popup

Figure 5.6. The user client's standard account selection popup

The user client's advanced account selection popup

Figure 5.7. The user client's advanced account selection popup

The client software is available for most major platforms including:

PaperCut Client on Mac OS X

Figure 5.8. PaperCut Client on Mac OS X

The client software and deployment tools are installed automatically on the server under the [app-path]\client directory. On a Windows based server this directory is automatically shared in read-only form providing network users with access to the client executables.

The following chapters contain further information about the user client:


The behavior of the user client, such as where on the screen it pops up or which option is selected by default, can be customized. This is discussed in the section called “User Client Options”.

To educate the users about the user client, administrators might find the sample information sheets helpful.

User Client Deployment

Deployment on Windows

The PaperCut MF client software may be deployed to workstations using a variety of deployment methods. The deployment options are covered in detail in the [app-path]\client\README.txt file.

Options include:

  1. If you're after a manual "setup wizard" style installer, run the program client-local-install.exe located in the network share PCClient. You can access this share by typing the following address into Windows Explorer. \\<MyServer>\PCCClient\win, where MyServer is the name of the server where PaperCut MF is installed.

  2. Administrators looking for an automated install/deployment option should consider the "zero install" strategy. This is the recommended strategy for most Windows network environments as it's 100% self-maintaining.

  3. Administrators can also consider deploying via MSI package, allowing the Client software to be remotely installed via Group Policy. This option is available for advanced sites which already leverage MSI packages for staged software deployment and continuing with this existing procedure is desirable.

The recommended approach with Windows networks is the "zero install" strategy. This involves configuring the workstations via group policy or otherwise, to run the client executable directly off the PCClient share - a share set up during installation. This avoids the need to undertake a separate installation process on each workstation and ensures the client software is automatically updated in conjunction with server updates.

The client can simply be run directly from the PCClient share setup on the server. Two executables provide this launch functionality:


pc-client.exe will launch the client directly off the network share. The "local-cache" version (pc-client-local-cache.exe), is a smarter version that first copies itself and associated files to the local drive and launches itself from there. The local-cache version has the advantage that any future startups will use the local copy and hence minimize network traffic. The cache is self-managing and kept up-to-date ensuring that any new versions of the client are automatically and transparently copied down to the client.

Using pc-client-local-cache.exe is recommended on large networks. It does however require a globally writable cache directory. By default the cache is created in a directory on the system drive (normally C:\Cache). An alternate cache can be specified with the --cache command-line switch. Administrators should ensure than standard users have write access to the system drive, or manually create the cache directory if required.

The zero-install deployment option is not appropriate for all situations. A local install is recommend on Windows Laptop systems that are not permanently connected to the network or centrally managed by network administrators. The client-local-install.exe program can assist end users with a standard "setup wizard" install process. This installer may also be streamlined / automated by using command-line options, see the section called “Automating / Streamlining Installation on Windows” for more details.

The recommended way to launch the pc-client-local-cache.exe on startup is to add a line to your Domain login script:

                cmd /c "start \\servername\PCClient\win\pc-client-local-cache.exe --silent"

See below for other automatic start options.

For more information on alternate deployment options see the [app-path]\client\README.txt file.

Deployment on Windows via Silent Installer MSI

The User Client software is available as a silent-install MSI (no clicks or wizards). This option is available for advanced sites which already leverage MSI packages for automated software deployment and upgrades using Active Directory Group Policy options. Please note that using the pc-client-local-cache.exe version of the User Client is our recommended method for most deployments, as all updates are automatically pushed to client machines. The MSI option discussed here must be manually updated.

The MSI package is a great option for organizations managing staged rollouts via Group Policy Filters. It is common in large organizations to progressively roll out new software as a series of small steps, for example the IT department may get the software first, followed by a roll out across the organization.


Ensure these steps are conducted by an administrator experienced with Active Directory MSI software deployment.

Step 1 - Copy User Client files to deployment location

Copy the all client files and subdirectories from


into a versioned folder on your domain, alongside your other MSI-deployed software, e.g.


Do not deploy the MSI directly from the PaperCut install directory because the contents of this directory will change when PaperCut is upgraded. This will result in problems in your MSI deployments.

Please take note that unlike some other MSI packages you may have seen, this file is not a self-contained archive - it must be copied along with the rest of the PaperCut client files when preparing your deployment.

Step 2 - Configure the User Client

If you need to make adjustments to the client (such as modifying or adding a custom logo), now's the time to do so. Changes made will be distributed to your domain as the MSI deploys.

Step 3 - Deploy the MSI

Deploy the pc-client-admin-deploy.msi to your domain, as a Software Installation component to a Group Policy Object. The procedure for MSI deployment via Group Policy is explained in Microsoft's Knowledge Base:

Deploying an MSI package as part of a Group Policy

Figure 5.9. Deploying an MSI package as part of a Group Policy

Step 4 - Configure for auto launch

Configure pc-client.exe to launch automatically at startup, as you would for any other program. One option is to add the User Client application to your GPO's "Run these programs at user logon" setting, found under Computer/User ConfigurationPoliciesAdministrative TemplatesSystemLogon

Configuring a startup application in Group Policy Manager

Figure 5.10. Configuring a startup application in Group Policy Manager


If you need to deploy to a heterogeneous environment of 32 and 64-bit systems, the default install paths will be different for each architecture. A simple solution to this path problem is to simply launch the client from both C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86) paths, as in the screenshot above. The non-matching path will silently fail.

An alternate option is to start the client from an existing user logon script. An example of the line to add to the logon script is:

    cmd /c "start "C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF Client\pc-client.exe --silent"


Older machines may require an upgrade to the Windows Installer Service. If so, you will encounter this error message:

    "This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer Service.
    You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the
    Windows Installer Package"

To resolve this, download and install the Windows Installer 4.5 Redistributable, from:

Upgrade an MSI Installation

The procedure for upgrading an already-deployed installation of the client (e.g. from 12.3 to 12.4) is slightly different to that of the initial deployment - updated MSI packages need to be added to your original GPO as an upgrade item. For step-by-step instructions on the procedure, see Microsoft's Upgrade Guide at:

Please don't simply replace an old MSI with a newer version. If after following the instructions in the Microsoft article above you're still unsure how to proceed, please seek assistance, or contact technical support.

Upgrading an MSI package as part of a GPO

Figure 5.11. Upgrading an MSI package as part of a GPO

Windows 8 Metro Requirements

Windows 8 a introduced a new user interface called Metro. It has a tile based start screen or runs one application at a time. This user interface is also known as the "Windows 8-style UI".

When the Windows 8 user interface is in Metro mode, Windows Desktop applications are not visible. This includes notifications such as the PaperCut Client popup. Therefore the Client popup could be missed.

PaperCut uses a Toast notification to notify user in Metro mode that a notification requires their attention in Metro mode.

Toast Notification (panel at top right) in Metro Mode

Figure 5.12. Toast Notification (panel at top right) in Metro Mode

With the Toast notification, users working in metro mode will be notified of all PaperCut activities that require their attention in Desktop mode.

Deployment on Mac OS X

This section covers the installation of the PaperCut client on Apple Mac systems. Before installing the client software, we recommend that administrators study Chapter 31, Mac Printing in Detail and first ensure printing is working as expected.

The PaperCut Mac client is a supplied as a native Mac .app package. The client is delivered in two flavors:

  1. The current client, which supports Mac OS X 10.7 (Mountain Lion) and above.

  2. The legacy client, which supports Mac OS X versions from 10.4 to 10.6. It is a universal application that runs on both PowerPC and Intel hardware. The legacy client will not be receiving future feature enhancements.

The three common installation methods are outlined below cover most situations. The instructions for the "single user install" follow the standard Mac application installation process and should be able to be conducted by any Mac end-user. The other installation methods are more technically focused and aimed at Mac network administrators.

Special Notes for Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier


The current version of the PaperCut client will not work on Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier. For these systems the legacy client must be used. If the client fails to start, please ensure you are using the correct client for your system.

The legacy client is found in [app-path]/client/legacy. Use this path to locate the client when referenced in the following sections.

The legacy client software will work best if Java 5 (or higher) is installed. Java 5 is available for OS X 10.4 or above. If Java is not already installed, the installer is available from the Apple website. This simplest way to install Java is to run /Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences from OS X Finder, and you will be prompted to complete the installation.

Single User Install

This method is suitable for a Mac computer used by a single user. For example, a personal Mac desktop or laptop. The installation process simply involves clicking on the client-local-install program. This copies the PCClient application into the over to the system's Applications folder and starts the client in the "confirm network identity" mode. The simplest way to run the install process is to connect to a Windows server's pcclient share over the network, however alternate methods such as copying the folder contents via a USB key or drive are also possible.

To install the Mac client from a server's share:

  1. Start and Log into the Mac computer. Ensure it's connected to the network.

  2. Open the Finder.

  3. From the Go menu, select Connect to Server....

    Connecting to a Windows server

    Figure 5.13. Connecting to a Windows server

  4. Enter the pcclient share's connection details like: smb://server_name/pcclient.

    The PCClient share's connection string

    Figure 5.14. The PCClient share's connection string

  5. Enter password information if requested.

  6. Double-click the client-local-install file. This will execute a small AppleScript program that will commence the install/copy process. (If installing on a legacy system (OS X 10.6 or lower) you must install the legacy client located in the legacy folder.)

  7. Test the application by double-click on the PCClient application icon in the system's local Applications folder.

If the user needs the client for printing - for example to use the shared account popup - it's advisable to configure the application to automatically open upon start-up:

  1. Open System Preference... from the Apple menu.

  2. Select Accounts.

  3. Select your login account.

  4. Click the Login Items tab.

  5. Click the + button and browse and locate the PCClient application.

    Add PCClient as a Login Item

    Figure 5.15. Add PCClient as a Login Item

  6. Test by restarting the computer. The client should start automatically after the reboot and login procedure is complete.

Multi-User Install

On a multi-user Mac system, setting up a Login Item for each user would be a tedious task. To streamline this process, the PCClient application can be configured to start on login via the login hook. A login hook is an advanced Mac feature that works by running a script when a user logs in. The PCClient package includes a command script resource that installs the login hook.

To install the client on a multi-user system:

  1. Start and Log into the Mac computer. Ensure it's connected to the network.

  2. Open the Finder.

  3. From the Go menu, select Connect to Server...

  4. Enter the pcclient share's connection details like: smb://server_name/pcclient

  5. Enter password information if requested.

  6. Drag the PCClient (or legacy/PCClient on OS X 10.6 or lower) package over to the local hard disk's Applications folder. The copy process will commence.

  7. Control-click on the newly copied PCClient application in the Applications directory. Select Open Package Contents.

    Control-click and open the package contents

    Figure 5.16. Control-click and open the package contents

  8. Navigate to Contents/Resources/.

  9. Double-click on the install-login-hook.command script.

    Double-click to install the login hook

    Figure 5.17. Double-click to install the login hook

  10. Restart the system and verify the client starts on login.


If you're already using a login hook for other script tasks, the setup process will be different. Instead in step 9, double-click on the set-permissions.command file. Then insert the following line at the end of your current login script (all on one line):


The set-permissions.command script ensures the software is set up with the correct permissions, ensuring it's accessible to all users.

The login hook, once installed, can be removed with the terminal command:

    sudo defaults delete LoginHook

Zero-Install Deployment

This deployment method is for advanced Mac network administrators and is suitable for medium to large Mac networks. Knowledge of the Mac's Unix underpinning and scripting is required.

A more flexible option over locally installing the PCClient package on each Mac system, is to directly launch the client from the pcclient share. The advantage of this deployment method is that any updates applied on the server (and hence updates to the client directory) will automatically be propagated to all workstations.

The process of setting up zero-install deployment will vary form network to network depending on the directory environment in use and administrator preferences. The process can however be summarized as:

  1. Configure the Macs to mount the pcclient share as a volume on login or start-up.

  2. Configure a login hook to start the client off the share. The install-login-hook.command resource script explained in the multi-user install above may help.

The typical way to mount the share is to use mount_smbfs in a boot script. See the Apple documentation on mount_smbfs at:

Further information on Mac printing is available at Chapter 31, Mac Printing in Detail.

Deployment on Linux and Unix

The PaperCut MF user client software may be deployed on Linux and other Unix based operating systems using the following installation procedure.

Step 1 - Install Java 5.0+

Linux and Unix workstations are supported via Java. Java version 5.0 or higher is required. Your Linux distribution may come with Java pre-installed or have the option to install. If no Java option exists, Sun Microsystems provides a self-install Java distribution for Linux and other major Unix platforms.

Ensure Java 5.0 is installed and the JAVAHOME environment variable is defined on the PATH.

Step 2 - Copy (or Mount) the PaperCut MF user client files

Like the Windows version of the client software, the Linux/Unix Java version is installed in the ~/client directory on the server. All files in this directory need to be copied, or make available to the Linux/Unix workstation. Common methods include:

  • Copying the files from the server using file transfer programs such as FTP or scp.

  • If the server is Windows based, connecting using smbclient or the Gnome or KDE smb:// file browsing tools. The client files are shared via a read-only share called \\[server_name]\PCClient.

  • If the server is Linux based, consider exporting the ~papercut/client directory via NFS and mounting on the workstations. The client can then be ran directly from the mount.

If the workstation is used by multiple users, the client directory should be copied to a common location such as /usr/local/papercut/client.

Step 3 - File permissions

Open a command prompt and set execute permissions on the file as follows:

    cd /usr/local/papercut/client
    chmod 755 ./

Step 4 - Testing

Log on as a user (a user listed in the PaperCut MF system) in your preferred Linux desktop GUI environment. Locate and execute the file /usr/local/papercut/client/ The PaperCut MF client should open displaying the user's account balance.

It is usual to configure the client as a "Startup Program" or "AutoStart Program" launched during login. See your desktop documentation to see how to define a startup program.

A number of command-line options are available to change the client's behavior. More information can be found in Table A.2, “User Client command-line options”.