PaperCut MF 13.5 User Manual

Table of Contents

About This Guide
Expectations & Prerequisites
Terminology used in this document
1. Introduction
What is PaperCut MF?
Key Features
System Requirements
How does PaperCut MF work?
Key Concepts
Understanding the print process flow
Architecture Overview
The Top-Ten Hidden Features!
One: Zero-install Client Deployment
Two: Remote Administration
Three: Web Print
Four: Shared Accounts
Five: Secondary Servers and Local Printers
Six: Scripting
Seven: Customizable Web Interface
Eight: XML Web Services and Command-line Control
Nine: 3rd Party Database Support
Ten: The Development Team
2. Installation
Installation on Windows
Step 1 - System Requirements & Network Setup
Step 2 - Print Queue Configuration
Step 3 - Download and Install
Step 4 - Configuration Wizard
Step 5 - Printer Configuration
Step 6 - Sharing Client Software
Step 7 - Client Software Deployment (Optional)
Step 8 - Testing
What Next?
Installation on Apple Mac
Step 1 - System Requirements
Step 2 - Print Queue Setup
Step 3 - Download and install
Step 4 - Configuration Wizard
Step 5 - Printer Configuration
Step 6 - Sharing Client Software
Step 7 - Testing
Step 8 - Deployment for a Professional (Client Billing) Installation
What next?
Installation on Novell OES Linux (iPrint)
Step 1 - System Requirements & Printer Setup
Step 2 - Create the host user account and firewall settings
Step 3 - Download and installing
Step 4 - Configuration Wizard
Step 5 - Printer/iPrint Configuration
Step 6 - Sharing Client Software
Step 7 - Testing
Step 8 - Deployment for a Professional (Client Billing) Installation
What next?
Installation on Linux (CUPS and/or Samba)
Step 1 - System Requirements
Step 2 - Create the host user account and firewall settings
Step 3 - Download and installing
Step 4 - Configuration Wizard
Step 5 - Printer Configuration
Step 6 - Sharing Client Software
Step 7 - Testing
Step 8 - Deployment for a Professional (Client Billing) Installation
What next?
Testing the Installation
Testing for an Education or Small/Medium Enterprise Installation:
Testing for a Professional (Client Billing) Installation:
3. Implementation by Example
Scenario: The Small School
Scenario: The Large School
Scenario: The University
Scenario: The Small Business
Scenario: The Medium to Large Business
Scenario: The Public Library or Internet Cafe/Kiosk
4. Quick Tour
Crumb Trail
Status Messages
Application Log
Basic User Operations
Basic Printer Operations
Client Software
Demonstrating the client software and account selection process
Interface Levels
Admin Access
User Access
Assigning Administrator Level Access
Charting, Statistics, Reports and Logs
5. Services for Users
User Client
User Client Deployment
User Web Pages
Environmental Impact
Shared Accounts
Use Card
Add Credit
Transaction History
Recent Print Jobs
Jobs Pending Release
Web Print
Mobile User Web Pages
Gadgets/Widgets and more...
Paper-Less Alliance Widget
Windows Gadgets
Web Widgets
6. Advanced User Management
Groups in PaperCut MF
Setting up quota allocations
Custom Quota Scheduling Periods
Advanced User Quota Management
Automated Quota Allocation Example
New User Creation Rules
Bulk User Operations
Example 1: Bulk operation on a user group
Example 2: Bulk operation on an ad-hoc list of users
Additional information
Using Overdrafts
Batch User Data Import and Update
Batch User Import File Format
Batch User Card/Identity Update
Batch User Card/Identity Update File Format
Looking up card numbers in an external database
Database lookup configuration
Disabling user printing with time latches
Office/Department History
Scenario 1: Correcting a late change to a user's office or department
Scenario - Correcting an unintended office or department change
User Management Quick Reference
7. Advanced Printer Management
Adding and Removing/Deleting/Ignoring Printers
On Windows
On Mac
On Linux
The Template Printer
Copying Printer Settings
Renaming a printer
Disabling printers with time latches
Managing printing using differential charging
Charging types available
How duplex discounts are calculated
Print filters: conversions and restrictions
Print Conversion Filters in Detail
Print Restriction Filters in Detail
Managing printer groups
Suggested best practises for naming printer groups
Cost Adjustments
Popup Authentication
How does popup authentication work?
Where and when should Popup authentication be used?
What technical considerations do I need to review before implementing Popup Authentication?
Color Detection
Limitations of Page-Level Color Detection
Validating page counts using hardware checks
Causes for differences in page counts
How hardware checks work
Configuring hardware checks
Reviewing hardware check results
Known Limitations
Watermarking/Job Annotation
Typical Uses
Enabling Watermarking
Digital Signatures in Detail (Advanced)
Behavior on Server Connection Failures
Failure Mode Settings
Failure Mode Settings on Virtual Queues
Toner Levels (for supported printers)
How toner level information is retrieved?
Printer Quick Reference
Refunding Print Jobs
Enabling End-User Refunds
Managing Refunds
Admin Notifications
User Notifications
Custom Printer Fields
Defining Custom Printer Fields
Extracting Usernames in Enterprise Print Environments (e.g. SAP, Unix)
Configuring PaperCut to Extract Usernames from Spool Files
8. Shared Accounts
Creating a Shared Account
The Template Account
Account Naming Guidelines
Client / Matter Naming Model
Project / Phase Naming Model
Customer / Job Naming Model
Client Security
Using account security with PIN/codes
The Account Selection Popup
Standard Account Selection Popup
Advanced Account Selection Popup
Manager Mode Popup
Automatically charge to a shared account
Account Selection in Non-Domain Environments (Workgroups)
Batch Shared Account Import and Update
Batch Account Import File Format
Shared Account Synchronization
Synchronization Options
Bulk Shared Account Operations
Shared Account Quota Allocation
Shared Account Cost Multiplier
Advanced Shared Account Options
9. Reports
Report types
User Reports
Printer Reports
Print Log Reports
Group Reports
Shared Accounts Reports
Transaction Reports
Environmental Impact Reports
Ratio Reports
Period Comparison Reports
Report Formats
Combining Filters and Reports
Scheduling and Emailing Reports
Advanced Reporting Options
10. Central Reports
Prerequisites for Central Reports
Setting up Central Reports
Server Configuration
Running Central Reports
Status Tab
Central Reports Tab
11. Hold/Release Queues & Print Release Stations
Release Station Interfaces
Standard Release Station
Manager-mode web-based release station
Web-based release station within the admin pages
End-user web-based release station
Mobile Print Release
Hold/Release Usage Scenarios
Saving paper and toner
Secure Printing
Pay per print (e.g. Library or Internet Cafe)
Expensive Printers (Approved Printing)
Delegated Print Release
Unauthenticated printing
Release Station Configuration
Enabling hold/release support on a printer
Hold/Release Queue Managers
Standard Release Station Configuration
End-User Web Based Release Interface Configuration
Mobile Print Release Configuration
12. Find Me Printing and Printer Load Balancing
Find Me Printing
Implementation by Example
Find Me Printing and Web-Based Release
Requirements For Job Redirection (Load Balancing or Find Me Printing)
Compatibility Testing
Find Me Printing Implementation Checklist
Advanced Configuration
Overriding cost and filter settings
Mixed Color and Grayscale Printers
Cross-Server Job Redirection
Printer Load Balancing
Example 1: Simple Load Balancing
Bypassing Load Balancing For Recent Print Jobs
Find Me Printing and Printer Load Balancing FAQ
13. Copier Integration
Device List and Statuses
Managing Copiers
Using filters and restrictions
Release Stations and Find Me Printing
Advanced Configuration
14. System Management
The Dashboard
User and Group Synchronization
Sync Source
Sync Source Options
Sync Options
Secondary Sync Source (Advanced)
Manual Synchronization
Importing Card/Identity numbers from Active Directory or LDAP
On Demand User Creation
Using Active Directory for user synchronization
Using LDAP for user synchronization
Assigning Administrator Level Access
Assigning Administrator Access to a Group
Assigning Administrator Access to a User
System Backups
Performing an Online Backup
Restoring an Export Backup
Performing Offline Backups
Export File Retention
Backup Print Archive files
System Notifications and Emailing
Configuring Notifications
System Notifications (for Administrators)
Testing Notification Methods
System Security Options
Application Server Connections
Provider Connection Security
Web Session Inactivity Timeout
Environmental Impact
Privacy Options
Using the Config Editor
15. TopUp/Pre-Paid Cards
Cards by Example
The User's Perspective
The Administrator's Perspective
The Card System
Creating New Cards
Overview and Definitions
Using the Card Wizard
TopUp/Pre-Paid Card Tips
Using a Card
16. Configuring Secondary Print Servers and Locally Attached Printers
Configuring a Windows Secondary Print Server
Step 1 - Ensure primary server is set up correctly
Step 2 - Ensure firewall software is set to allow access to port 9191
Step 3 - Install the print provider
Step 4 - Configuration
Step 5 - Test
Automated Install
Configuring a Macintosh Secondary Print Server
Step 1 - Ensure primary server is set up correctly
Step 2 - Ensure firewall software is set to allow access to port 9191
Step 3 - Create the host user account
Step 4 - Install the print provider
Step 5 - Configuration
Step 6 - Test
Configuring a Linux or Novell iPrint Secondary Print Server
Step 1 - Ensure primary server is set up correctly
Step 2 - Ensure firewall software is set to allow access to port 9191
Step 3 - Account setup
Step 4 - Install the Print Provider
Step 5 - Configuration
Step 6 - Test
Print Monitoring Architecture
Multiple Print Servers
Automating Secondary Server Deployment on Windows
17. Advanced Customization
Customizing the User Client Tool window
Limiting the list of interface languages/translations
Customizing the User web pages
Look & Feel
Login Instructions
Additional Links in the Navigation Menu
Custom Printer Maps for Web Print
Customizing the Administration Web Interface
Customizing Report Headers
Data Access and Custom Reports
Plain Text Print Log
Automation and Scripting
Custom User Directory Information Providers
Enabling ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS)
Customizing Mobile Print Release
18. Web Browser Single Sign-on (SSO)
Planning for Web SSO Implementation
Preparing for SSO
Planning for Integrated Windows Authentication
Planning for WebAuth
Configuring Web SSO
Post Installation Testing
19. Advanced Scripting (Print Scripting)
How to Use Print Scripts
Advanced Print Scripting - Global Include Script
Tips for Print Scripts
Print Script API Reference
Script Hooks (Entry Points)
Script Inputs
Script Actions
User Defined Persistent Properties (Storage)
Print Script Requirements (Advanced)
20. Licensing and Support
Installing a License
Technical Support & Further Information
21. Deployment on an External Database (RDBMS)
Why use an external RDBMS?
Supported Databases
Upsizing to an External RDBMS
Step 1 - Stop PaperCut MF
Step 2 - Perform a backup of the existing data
Step 3 - Create a new database in the external RDBMS
Step 4 - Change the PaperCut MF connection details
Step 5 - Initialize the new database
Step 6 - Load the data into the new database
Step 7 - Restart PaperCut MF
Database specific configuration
Configuring Microsoft SQL Express
Configuring MySQL
Configuring Oracle (and Oracle Express Edition)
22. Web Print (Driver-less printing via a web browser)
Key Features
Introduction to Web Print
Supported Applications and File Formats
Security Considerations
Setting Up Web Print
Default Mode Setup
Sandbox Mode Setup
Web Print Testing and Feature Tour
Web Print Configuration
Print Options for Web Print Jobs
Designing Printer Maps / Custom Printer Selection Lists
Advanced Web Print Configuration
Troubleshooting Web Print Problems
XPS Viewer Installation Instructions
23. Print Archiving (viewing and content capture)
Technical Overview: How does archiving work?
Setting Up Print Archiving
Step 1: Install print spool file viewer technology
Step 2: Enable Print Archiving
Step 3: Review Configuration Options
Advanced Archiving Options and Features
Changing the archive storage directory
Backup Considerations
Setting up Secondary Print Servers
Advanced Configuration Keys
Downloading PDL / spool files for reprinting
Remove archived data
Troubleshooting and Known Limitations
No preview image available
GDI Printers (GDI Print Description Language)
There may be issues viewing some print jobs
No archiving of off-the-glass copy jobs
Preview images may differ slightly from the printed document
No watermarking in preview images
Latest Information
24. Google Cloud Print
How it works
User Authentication and Printer Sharing with Google Cloud Print
Administrator Authentication
User Authentication
Publishing and Sharing Printers
Client Popups and Google Cloud Print
Setting up Google Cloud Print
Enabling and Configuring Google Cloud Print
Publishing Printers to Google Cloud Print
Testing Google Cloud Print
Troubleshooting Google Cloud Print Problems
25. PaperCut & iPad / iPhone Printing (iOS)
Sharing Printers to iOS Devices
The PaperCut iPad / iPhone App (iOS app)
Troubleshooting & FAQ
Advanced iPad / iPhone Printing Setup
iPad / iPhone Printing Technical Description
Limiting Printer Deployment
Advanced App Deployment
26. Mobile Print Release - Releasing print jobs on your mobile
Usage and features
Mobile Release Deployment/Install
Management tips for large networks
User education
Power features
Quick printer location
Using QR Codes
Advanced Options
Mobile Release Customization
27. Web Cashier
Setting Up Web Cashier
Purchasing Items
Depositing Funds
Web Cashier Order History
Advanced Web Cashier Configuration
Assigning Web Cashier User
Web Cashier Reports
28. Clustering and High Availability
About Clustering
Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) on Windows
Mode 1 - Clustering at the Print Provider layer
Mode 2 - Clustering at all application layers
Clustering Tips
Additional configuration to support Web Print
Additional configuration to support Print Archiving
Microsoft Failover Cluster Manager (MSFCM)
Mode 1 - Clustering at the Print Provider layer
Mode 2 - Clustering at all application layers
Clustering Tips
Additional configuration to support Web Print
Additional configuration to support Print Archiving
Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) on Windows
Mode 1 - Clustering at the Print Provider layer
Novell Cluster Services (NCS) on Novell OES Linux
Mode 1 - Clustering at the print provider layer
Mode 2 - Clustering at all application layers
Client/Workstation Configuration
29. PaperCut MF on Linux
The Installation Process
Manual extraction
The install process
Linux Print Queue Integration
Advanced Configuration & Logs
Advanced Logging
Maintain correct user name when print jobs are redirected on CUPS
Backups & System Management
User Directory and Authentication
Standard Unix
Samba/Windows Domain
Unix Command-Line Release Station Client
Installing the Command-Line Release Station Client
Removing PaperCut MF from a Linux server
Linux FAQ
30. Print Authentication
About Authentication and Printing
What is authentication?
Why does authentication pose a problem?
How does PaperCut MF address authentication?
Handling Unauthenticated (non-domain) Laptops
Option 1: Popup Authentication for Unauthenticated Laptops
Option 2: Release Station Authentication for Unauthenticated Laptops
The Authentication Cookbook - Recipes by example
Windows systems with generic logins
Windows laptops that do not authenticate against a domain
Windows print server using LDAP or eDirectory authentication
Mac OS X systems with generic user accounts
Mac OS X systems using domain authentication via Open Directory
Mac OS X systems using domain authentication via Windows Active Directory
Mac OS X laptops (or single user systems) printing to Windows print queues
Linux Workstations in a lab environment with printers hosted on a Windows server
Linux Workstations in a lab environment with printers hosted on Linux CUPS server
Linux laptops (or single user systems)
Multiuser Unix terminal servers
Further Recommendations
31. Mac Printing in Detail
Mac hosted print queues
Step 1: Installing the printers on the server
Step 2: Enable Printer Sharing
Step 3: Set up the printers on the workstations (pointing to the shared server queues)
Publishing the printer via Workgroup Manager
Unauthenticated systems (e.g. Laptops)
Windows hosted print queues
Scenario One: My Own Mac (Single User)
Scenario Two: The Multi-User Mac with Popup Authentication
Scenario Three: Multi-user Macs using LDAP or Active Directory authentication
Scenario Four: Mac OS X Server
Additional information and tips
Eliminating PopUp Authentication via Mac Login Hook
32. Running in a Workgroup Environment
Option 1: Common username and passwords on all systems
Option 2: Authenticating via popup
33. Managing Guests and Internal Users
Internal Users (users managed by PaperCut MF)
Implementation by Example
Internal Users Options
Changing Internal User Passwords
Batch Internal User Import and Update
34. Multiple Personal Accounts
Why use multiple personal accounts?
Separating Quota and Cash
Independently Managed Work Areas
Enabling Multiple Personal Accounts
How Account Priorities Work
Configuring the Payment Accounts
Why can't I delete accounts?
Other Options
Configuration Examples
Example 1: Separate Cash/Quota Accounts
Example 2: Department/Faculty Quotas (Advanced)
35. Advanced Server Management
Changing the network interface that PaperCut listens on
Overriding the "Host" header for redirects
A. Tools - database, server-command scripting, and APIs (Advanced)
Server Commands (server-command)
Accessing Server Commands remotely
Available Commands
Database Tool (db-tools)
export-db Command
import-db Command
init-db Command
delete-old-logs Command
The XML Web Services API
Web Services Example Code
SSL/HTTPS Key Generation
Re-create the self-signed certificate
Using a custom signed SSL key
Importing an existing SSL key
Installing the Keystore
User Client Options
Stopping and Starting the Application Server
Stopping and Starting the Application Server on Windows
Stopping and Starting the Application Server on Mac
Stopping and Starting the Application Server on Linux
Automating / Streamlining Installation on Windows
Importing Print Job Details
B. Troubleshooting & Technical FAQ's
C. Advanced LDAP Configuration
LDAP Server Default Configuration
Standard (Unix / Open Directory)
Novell eDirectory Defaults
Microsoft Active Directory Defaults
D. Capacity Planning
Database Sizing and Growth
Internal database growth
SQL Server database growth
Sample database growth calculation
Print Archives Sizing and Growth
Network Bandwidth Planning
Bandwidth Estimates
Managing Large Client Account Lists on Distributed Sites
Known limitations
E. Upgrading From a Previous Version
The recommended upgrade procedure
F. Upgrading from PaperCut Quota
Upgrade process
Step 1 - Stop and disable PaperCut Quota
Step 2 - Install PaperCut MF
Step 3 - Configure and test printers
Step 4 - Import the existing User Balances
Step 4b - Import the existing Accounts
Step 5 - Upgrade client software
Step 6 - Optionally uninstall PaperCut Quota
G. Example User Information Sheets
Example 1: Printing with the popup confirmation window
Popup Confirmation Dialog
The Printing Balance Window
Resolving Problems
Printing Denied Message
Example 2: Printing with shared accounts (for staff)
Shared Account Selection Popup Window
Resolving Problems
Printing Denied Message
Example 3: Printing using a release station
Example 4: Refunding a print job (for staff)
Action Refund Requests
Example 5: Adding credit using a TopUp/Pre-Paid Card
Example 6: Printing from a wireless network or laptop (Web Print)

List of Figures

1.1. The user client tool
1.2. The User Client account selection popup
1.3. The Windows print queue
1.4. PaperCut MF Architecture - an advanced configuration
2.1. Network printer configuration
2.2. Configuring Windows print queue permissions
2.3. Configuring Windows print queue client rendering
2.4. Setup wizard
2.5. PaperCut MF Configuration wizard
2.6. User sync configuration wizard page
2.7. The Mac installer
2.8. PaperCut MF Configuration wizard
2.9. User sync configuration wizard page
2.10. Creating the host user account - part 1
2.11. Creating the host user account - part 2
2.12. The Novell OES Linux install process
2.13. PaperCut MF Configuration wizard
2.14. eDirectory/LDAP configuration wizard page
2.15. The Linux install process
2.16. PaperCut MF Configuration wizard
2.17. User sync configuration wizard page
2.18. Ensure the advanced popup is enabled
2.19. The account selection popup (displaying extra accounts)
4.1. Application navigation tabs
4.2. The Actions area. Click to perform the action.
4.3. Buttons to validate and save settings
4.4. The crumb trail highlighting the location
4.5. A red status message indicating a validation error
4.6. A field highlighted indicating a validation error
4.7. Application navigation tabs
4.8. Adjusting a user's credit up $10.00
4.9. A 40% discount applied to double-sided printing
4.10. Printer Filters and Restrictions
4.11. A printer disabled for 1 hour
4.12. The user client displaying the "Advanced Account Selection Popup"
4.13. The user client tool
4.14. User 30-day account balance history
4.15. Printer utilization chart
4.16. Print page history for a single printer
4.17. Printer report in PDF
4.18. Printer usage log
4.19. User account transaction log
5.1. PaperCut user client on Mac OS X
5.2. PaperCut user web pages
5.3. Example of customized user web pages
5.4. The user client balance window
5.5. The user client's confirmation popup
5.6. The user client's standard account selection popup
5.7. The user client's advanced account selection popup
5.8. PaperCut Client on Mac OS X
5.9. Deploying an MSI package as part of a Group Policy
5.10. Configuring a startup application in Group Policy Manager
5.11. Upgrading an MSI package as part of a GPO
5.12. Toast Notification (panel at top right) in Metro Mode
5.13. Connecting to a Windows server
5.14. The PCClient share's connection string
5.15. Add PCClient as a Login Item
5.16. Control-click and open the package contents
5.17. Double-click to install the login hook
5.18. A user's summary information
5.19. Draw a user's attention to their environmental impact
5.20. A list of available shared accounts
5.21. Printing costs as seen by the user
5.22. Using a TopUp/Pre-Paid Card
5.23. Transferring funds to another user
5.24. A user's recent balance transactions
5.25. A user's recent printing
5.26. The user's view of jobs pending release
5.27. Web Print jobs in progress
5.28. Mobile user web tools - summary page
5.29. View in Desktop mode link
5.30. Mobile user web tools - balance
5.31. Mobile user web tools - environmental impact statistics
5.32. Mobile user web tools - redeem TopUp/Pre-Paid Card
5.33. Mobile user web tools - entering a TopUp/Pre-Paid Card number
5.34. The Paper-Less Alliance Desktop Widget
5.35. The Environmental Impact Gadget
5.36. The Print Balance Gadget
6.1. Adding/removing groups
6.2. The Group Details screen
6.3. Initial settings applied to new users
6.4. Setting a user's overdraft to $20.00
6.5. User printing disabled using a time-latch
6.6. View/edit department history link on User Details page
6.7. Department history page with date to change highlighted
6.8. View/edit department history link on User Details page
6.9. Link to delete a historical department (or office) change.
6.10. Department history page after having deleted a historical change
7.1. The Template Printer
7.2. Copy settings from one printer to others
7.3. Printer disabled using a time-latch
7.4. Standard charging example
7.5. Advanced differential charging example
7.6. Print conversion filters
7.7. Some of the available print restriction filters
7.8. Advanced conversion functionality with print scripting
7.9. Converting student printing to grayscale
7.10. Job Log showing an EMF job
7.11. Select "staff" from the list of groups
7.12. Adding a new printer group "Type:Color"
7.13. Adding an existing printer group
7.14. Three cost adjustments defined at the printer level
7.15. Cost adjustments displayed in the Advanced Client Popup
7.16. Cost adjustments displayed in the Manager Mode Popup
7.17. Turning on popup authentication at the user level
7.18. PaperCut MF client requesting for authentication
7.19. The color detection setting for a printer
7.20. Enabling the hardware check
7.21. Hardware check adjustment options
7.22. Printer properties dialog:
7.23. Printer ports dialog:
7.24. Add port dialog:
7.25. Choose printer port:
7.26. Hardware check status
7.27. Hardware check log status
7.28. An example watermark using variables
7.29. Print Job Log showing the PostScript metadata
7.30. Enabling watermarking in the Admin Console
7.31. Searching job log for signature b608c7a39f08643768051217f2f5315a
7.32. Job Log showing an EMF job
7.33. Job Log showing a ESC/P2(Epson) job
7.34. Failure mode settings
7.35. Status of print jobs logged after reconnection
7.36. Toner level information on Printer Details screen
7.37. Enabling end-user print job refund requests
7.38. A [Request Refund] link on the Recent Print Jobs
7.39. Sending refund request
7.40. Approving a refund request from the Refunds tab in the admin interface.
7.41. Overview of user's refund request
7.42. Printer refund request user notification options
7.43. Defining custom printer fields
7.44. Custom printer fields
8.1. Selecting a shared account with the User Client popup
8.2. Creating a shared account
8.3. The template account
8.4. Template account settings
8.5. Client / Matter Naming Model example
8.6. Searching accounts by client name in the client/matter code naming model
8.7. Searching accounts by client code in the client/matter code naming model
8.8. Searching accounts by matter name in the client/matter code naming model
8.9. Searching accounts by matter code in the client/matter code naming model
8.10. Project / Phase Naming Model example
8.11. Searching accounts by project name or number in the project/phase code naming model
8.12. Searching accounts by phase in the project/phase code naming model
8.13. Selecting a shared account from the popup
8.14. The user's popup settings under User -> User Details
8.15. Setting up shared account security
8.16. The standard account selection popup
8.17. Client popup options defined on a per-user basis
8.18. The print job confirmation dialog (no account selection options)
8.19. The advanced account selection popup
8.20. The manager mode popup
8.21. Account selection option to automatically charge to a shared account
8.22. Configuration allowing only selection of other user accounts
8.23. Popup requesting the user to enter their username and password
9.1. An example report displaying different date ranges
9.2. Selecting Ad-hoc date ranges and filters for reports
9.3. Printer log PDF report
9.4. Clickable report icons to run reports in different formats (PDF, HTML, CSV (Excel)).
9.5. Filters applied to the shared account print log
9.6. The Scheduled Reports page
10.1. Central Reports across multiple application servers
10.2. Central Reports Status Tab
11.1. The Standard Release Station
11.2. Manager-mode web-based release station
11.3. Web-based release station within the admin pages
11.4. End-user web-based interface listing held jobs
11.5. Mobile Print Release listing held jobs
11.6. All documents easily identifiable by document and machine name
11.7. End-user web based release interface options
12.1. Single Virtual Queue (High School)
12.2. Multiple Virtual Queues (Graphics Department)
12.3. Multiple Location Specific Virtual Queues (Large Company)
12.4. Find Me Printing and Web Based Release Interfaces
12.5. Simple Load Balancing
13.1. The devices tab provides an overview over tracked photocopiers and other devices
13.2. The device details page includes a detailed device status message - in this case 'connect timed out'.
13.3. Standard release station configuration for multi-function devices
13.4. Find Me Printing setup example: The device displays print jobs from the virtual queue "Library MFDs" and forwards them to "Color Copier 1"
14.1. The Dashboard Page
14.2. User/group sync source options
14.3. Progress of a user/group synchronization process
14.4. On demand user creation options
14.5. The list of users and groups granted admin access
14.6. The list of users and groups granted admin access
14.7. The list of users and groups granted admin access
14.8. Options for a notification sent before a held job gets deleted
14.9. Options for a single system notification
14.10. Printer error notification settings
14.11. Low toner notification settings
14.12. Error level event notification settings
14.13. Pending refund request notification settings
14.14. Draw a user's attention to their environmental impact
15.1. Entering a batch ID
15.2. Defining a valid till date
15.3. Options to edit the card design
15.4. Enable Macros in MS Word 2007
15.5. Cards ready for printing
15.6. Imported card numbers
15.7. Inserting a new logo into a card
15.8. Propagate labels button in previous versions of MS Word
15.9. Update labels button in MS Word 2007
15.10. Using a card
16.1. Secondary server reporting back to primary server (application server)
16.2. PaperCut MF Architecture - an advanced configuration
17.1. Customizing the user client link
17.2. Customized user client link
17.3. A customized end-user web designed for St Mary's Anglican Girls School
17.4. A customized end-user web designed for Williamstown High School
17.5. Login Page with custom instructions
17.6. Adding a new custom navigation link to the user web interface
17.7. Example custom navigation link in the user web interface
17.8. Deleting a custom navigation link
17.9. Customized logo (admin-logo.png) in the administration interface
17.10. Customized logo (admin-main-logo.png) in the administration interface
17.11. Customized content in the administration interface dashboard
17.12. Example custom report header usage
17.13. Customized design of Mobile Print Release for WilTown School
18.1. Single Sign-on Configuration
19.1. Print Policy Pop-up (as implemented in the Print Policy Recipe)
19.2. The print script editor showing a sample script
19.3. Example syntax error in a print script
19.4. Example runtime error in a print script
19.5. Importing a print script recipe
19.6. Importing a print script snippet
19.7. Print Script Client Prompt with HTML formatting
22.1. Web Print architecture overview
22.2. Web Print Server status OK
22.3. The PaperCut Web Print dialog
22.4. Web Print Server status OK
22.5. Web Print link in the user interface
22.6. The front Web Print page before any jobs have been submitted
22.7. Customizable Web Print introductory message
22.8. Web Print wizard step 1: list of printers available for Web Print
22.9. Web Print wizard step 2: selecting the number of copies for a Web Print job
22.10. Web Print wizard step 2: account selection options
22.11. Web Print wizard step 3: upload a document
22.12. Web Print wizard step 3: document upload in progress
22.13. List of active Web Print jobs
22.14. Web Print settings in the admin interface
22.15. Web Print: selecting a printer from the list, which may be replaced with a map or custom list
22.16. Web Print: printer selection map with a simple floor plan
22.17. Web Print: printer selection map with a simple site plan
22.18. Installing the XPS Viewer for Windows Server 2008
23.1. Grid view is a great way to locate jobs visually
23.2. Inspecting a print log in the full screen viewer. The viewer toolbar supports navigation, zoom, image rotation and PDL file download.
23.3. Print Archiving options on the Options tab
23.4. The print job viewer showing the download PDL option in the toolbar
23.5. The print job viewer showing the remove option in the toolbar
24.1. Google Cloud Print and PaperCut
24.2. Google Cloud Print Setup Wizard
24.3. Google Request for Permissions Window
25.1. Sharing a printer on Mac OS
25.2. Accessing the installation URL manually, using Safari
25.3. The "Install Profile" dialog, displayed after accessing the installation URL
25.4. The PaperCut App for iPad on the home screen
25.5. The PaperCut App for iPad (before printing)
25.6. The PaperCut App for iPhone(before printing)
25.7. Printing from iOS
25.8. Printing (PaperCut) app on the home screen
25.9. Authenticating to the PaperCut iPad App
25.10. The PaperCut App for iPad (after printing)
25.11. The PaperCut App for iPhone (after printing)
25.12. Printing from iOS
25.13. Printing (PaperCut) app on the home screen
25.14. Authenticating to the PaperCut App
25.15. The account selection dialog in the PaperCut App
25.16. The PaperCut App for iPad (after printing)
25.17. The PaperCut App for iPhone (after printing)
26.1. The Mobile Print Release printer list
26.2. An empty job list
26.3. Jobs display in a held jobs list
26.4. Showing the details of a job in the held job list
26.5. Selecting the disired jobs in the held job list
27.1. Web Cashier items
27.2. Web Cashier Purchase example
27.3. Web Cashier Purchase Acknowledgement Slip
27.4. Web Cashier Deposit example
27.5. Web Cashier Deposit Acknowledgement Slip
27.6. Web Cashier default configuration
27.7. Web Cashier user
28.1. Stopping the service and setting to Manual startup
28.2. Creating a new cluster resource
28.3. Cluster service parameters configuration
28.4. Stopping the service and setting to Manual startup
28.5. Adding a new Generic Service Resource
28.6. Cluster service parameters configuration
28.7. Adding a new Generic Service Resource
28.8. PaperCut Application Server Properties configuration
28.9. PaperCut dependencies configuration
28.10. Stopping the service and setting to Manual startup
30.1. PaperCut MF client requesting authentication
31.1. Setting up a printer (direct) on Mac OS 10.5 Server using Jetdirect
31.2. Enable IPP on each queue via Server Admin
31.3. Setting up a workstation printer on Mac OS 10.5
31.4. Printing settings via the Workgroup manager
31.5. Add printer appropriate to the container (users, group, or computer)
31.6. PaperCut Client on Mac OS X
31.7. Add a printer
31.8. Option-click for advanced printer addition types
31.9. Windows printer via Samba
31.10. Connecting to a Windows server
31.11. The PCClient share's connection string
31.12. Add PCClient as a Login Item
31.13. Mac popup authentication dialog requesting username and password
31.14. Add a printer
31.15. Option-click for advanced printer addition types
31.16. Windows printer via SAMBA
31.17. Connecting to a Windows server
31.18. The PCClient share's connection string
31.19. Command-click and open the package
31.20. Double-click to install the login hook
31.21. Turning on popup authentication at the user level
31.22. PaperCut MF client requesting for authentication (Sorry: Windows screen-shot!)
31.23. Windows Component: Other Network File and Print Service
31.24. Add a printer
31.25. Adding an LPR/LPD printer
31.26. Connecting to a Windows server
31.27. The PCClient share's connection string
31.28. Double-click to install the login hook
32.1. Turn off simple file sharing
32.2. Turn off simple file sharing
32.3. Enable perform printing as other user
33.1. Internal users options
33.2. Web based internal user registration interface
33.3. Creating an internal user from the administration interface
33.4. Login screen showing the registration link
33.5. Changing an internal user password from the administration interface
33.6. Changing an internal user password from the user web page
34.1. Enabling Multiple Personal Accounts for the first time
34.2. Multiple Account Priorities
34.3. User payment accounts
34.4. Separate Cash and Quota accounts
34.5. Example of an advanced account setup
B.1. Disable simple file sharing
D.1. Database growth using the internal database
D.2. Database growth using a Microsoft SQL Server database
G.1. Client Popup Confirmation Window
G.2. Printing balance window showing $10.00 of printing balance
G.3. Printing balance icon in the system tray
G.4. Printing denied message
G.5. Shared Account Selection Popup
G.6. Printing balance icon in the system tray
G.7. Printing denied message
G.8. Login screen
G.9. Print jobs waiting in a release station
G.10. Job Log
G.11. Refunding print job
G.12. Approving a refund request from the Refunds tab in the admin interface.
G.13. Overview of user's refund request
G.14. Balance window showing the Details link
G.15. Redeem Card page
G.16. Printing using PDF Creator or XPS Document Writer
G.17. Web Print link
G.18. Web Print front page showing active jobs
G.19. Instructions for using the system
G.20. Choosing the printer
G.21. Enter the number of copies
G.22. Upload a document

List of Tables

6.1. Quota schedule times
6.2. User Import File Format
6.3. User Card/Identity Update File Format
7.1. Cost Adjustment Types
7.2. User Client Popup Config Keys
7.3. Substitution Variables/Macros
7.4. Fields available printer refund request user notifications
7.5. Examples of usernames seen in spool files and regular expressions to extract them
8.1. Shared Account Import File Format
9.1. Report Formats
9.2. Scheduled reports delivery times
9.3. Advanced Reporting Config Keys
10.1. Central Reports statements in
11.1. Standard Release Station config settings
11.2. Standard Release Station modes
14.1. Example regular expressions to extract card numbers
14.2. Fields available in printing notifications
14.3. Fields only available in notification sent before deleting the held job
14.4. Fields available in low balance notifications
14.5. Advanced email notification (SMTP) settings
14.6. SMTP configuration example: internal SMTP server (no authentication)
14.7. SMTP configuration example: internal SMTP server with authentication
14.8. SMTP configuration example: Gmail
14.9. SMTP configuration example: Gmail (alternate config)
14.10. Fields available in printer error notifications
14.11. Fields available in error level event notifications
14.12. Fields available in pending refund request notifications
14.13. Default Web Session Inactivity Timeout Values
14.14. Timeout Web Session Config Keys
14.15. Environmental Impact Reporting
15.1. Card Terminology
16.1. PaperCut MF services/components
17.1. User Client Customization Config Keys
17.2. Files used to customize the user web pages
17.3. Config Keys for Customizing the Login Page
17.4. Fields available for replacement in custom navigation links in the user web interface
17.5. Files used to customize the administration web pages
17.6. Text print log file format
17.7. Files used to customize Mobile Print Release
19.1. Print Workflow Hooks
19.2. Job Info Script Reference (inputs.job)
19.3. User Info Script Reference (inputs.user)
19.4. Client Info Script Reference (inputs.client)
19.5. Printer Info Script Reference (inputs.printer)
19.6. Utilities Script Reference (inputs.utils)
19.7. Job Actions Script Reference (actions.job)
19.8. Client Actions Script Reference (actions.client)
19.9. Log Actions Script Reference (actions.log)
19.10. Utility Actions Script Reference (actions.utils)
19.11. User Actions Script Reference (actions.user)
19.12. Printer Actions Script Reference (actions.printer)
22.1. Web Print Supported Applications and File Formats
22.2. Web Print Setup Options (by platform)
22.3. Web Print Settings
22.4. Files used for custom printer selection in the Web Print wizard
22.5. Web Print Config Editor Keys
22.6. Web Print Server Config File
23.1. Print Archiving Advanced Config Keys
26.1. Advanced Mobile Print Release Config Keys
27.1. Web Cashier Settings
27.2. Web Cashier Reports
29.1. Secured Application Areas
29.2. Standard print commands
29.3. Advanced Configuration
33.1. Internal User Import File Format
A.1. XML Web Services Methods
A.2. User Client command-line options
A.3. Windows installer command-line options
A.4. Fields for Importing Print Job Details
C.1. LDAP Config entries
C.2. Unix / Open Directory LDAP default settings
C.3. Novell eDirectory LDAP default settings
C.4. Active Directory LDAP default settings
G.1. Web Print Supported Applications and File Formats