Advanced Configuration & Logs

The majority of PaperCut MF configuration is conducted in the Application Server's web interface. Some additional configuration options are available in the following configuration files:

Config FileComments


Contains server configuration including the default admin password, the server's TCP port and external database connection parameters.


The Print Provider's configuration file used by both the Samba and CUPS Print Providers. This file defines items such as the Application Server's IP address and port, process timeouts and other.

Table 26.3. Advanced Configuration

Advanced Logging

Most important application logging is available via the Application Log section of the Application Server's web interface. Some additional advanced level logging is maintained in standard text files located at:


Administrators may wish to consult these logs when attempting to diagnose or troubleshoot problems.

Maintain correct user name when print jobs are redirected on CUPS

When print jobs on CUPS are redirected to a second print queue the job appears to come from a user account called lp. Note that the job is still correctly tracked against the user and the approriate accounts are charged as needed. However some users may be confused when their jobs appear to be printed by another user at the device.

Administrators can edit the file ~/providers/print/linux-[x64|i686]/print-provider.conf and uncomment the RedirectCommand entry. This forces PaperCut MF to pass the user's name to the CUPS subsystem on redirection. This is not the default behaviour as it can cause authentication problems, depending on how your network printer queues are configured, and you should verifty that users can still print after making this change.