Advanced Web Cashier Configuration


Purchase page instructions

This text is displayed on the Web Cashier Purchase tab. It might include information on how to charge users. It supports basic HTML markup.

Purchase acknowledgement slip header

This text is displayed on top of the Web Cashier Purchase acknowledgement slips. It supports basic HTML markup.

Deposit page instructions

This text is displayed on the Web Cashier Deposit tab. It might include information on how to charge users. It supports basic HTML markup.

Deposit acknowledgement slip header

This text is displayed on top of the Web Cashier Deposit acknowledgement slips. It supports basic HTML markup.

Payment methods

This is a comma separated list of user defined payment methods used for crediting users' accounts. (i.e. Cash) It can be left blank.

Copy acknowledgement slip to user via email

Select this option to send acknowledgement slips to users via email. To set up a SMTP server see the section called “Configuring Email Notifications”.

Table 24.1. Web Cashier Settings


Most text configuration options supports HTML markup. For example this allows custom font colors, size and reference images (e.g. logos). The most common requirement is to bold text and this can be done by surrounding with <strong> tags. If you are not familiar with HTML, your webmaster or website administrator should be able to offer some advice.

Web Cashier default configuration

Figure 24.6. Web Cashier default configuration