Renaming a printer

To uniquely identify a print queue PaperCut MF uses a combination of the hostname the print queue is hosted on and the printer's queue name. If either of these change, for example because if the print queue is renamed, or because the print queue was migrated to a new print server, then a new entry will be created for the Printer List. Future print logs will be tracked against the new printer name, and the old printer name will still be available along with all its logs.

In some cases this is the desired behavior. In other cases it may be preferred to rename the "old" printer to its new name so that logs and settings are maintained.

To rename a printer, log into the administration interface and:

  1. Select the printer to rename via PrintersPrinter List

  2. Click Rename this printer from the Actions menu.

  3. Enter the new server and print queue name.


    The print queue name may not be the same as the print queue's share name. On Windows the print queue name appears in Control PanelPrinters. On Mac the print queue name can be found on the printer's Printer Info sheet under Name & LocationQueue Name. Take care to enter the name exactly as it appears in the OS, as case sensitivity can be important.

  4. If there is already a printer with the chosen name, for example because the print queue has already been renamed in the OS and was automatically added to PaperCut MF, ensure the checkbox If a printer with the new name already exists, delete and replace it is enabled.

  5. Press Apply.

  6. Perform a test print to ensure that printing is logged under the new name.