Basic Printer Operations

All printers managed by PaperCut MF are configured under the Printers section. Printer configuration may include:

To define a basic cost-per-page of $0.10:

  1. Log in as the build-in admin user.

  2. Select the Printers section.

  3. Click on the printer who's page cost is to be defined.

  4. Enter a page cost of $0.10 under the configuration section.

  5. Press the Apply button to save the change.

To define an advanced cost model offering a 40% discount for duplex (double sided) printing:

  1. Under the Printers section, select the printer whose cost model is to be modified.

  2. Click on the Advanced Charging tab.

  3. Select a charge type of by category.

  4. Enter 40% in the duplex discount field and select Percent less from the dropdown list.

  5. Click the Apply button to save the change.

A 40% discount applied to double-sided printing

Figure 4.9. A 40% discount applied to double-sided printing

Filters provide administrators with access to a set of rules to control what type of documents are allowed access to the printer. Filter rules can be used for a variety of tasks such as:

Filter options include:

Example - To apply a filter preventing jobs over 100 pages:

  1. Under the Printers section, select the printer to which the filter should be applied.

  2. Click on the Filters tab.

  3. Scroll to the Page Count section.

  4. Click and select the deny jobs based on number of pages.

  5. Enter in 100 in the maximum filed.

Printer Filters and Restrictions

Figure 4.10. Printer Filters and Restrictions

To disable a printer for the next hour using a time latch:

  1. Under the Printers section select the printer to lock or disable.

  2. On the Summary tab, scroll to the Configuration section.

  3. Select Disable for next hour from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the Apply button to save the change.

A printer disabled for 1 hour

Figure 4.11. A printer disabled for 1 hour