Creating New Cards

Overview and Definitions

Cards are generated using the Card Wizard. The card wizard is a Microsoft Windows application that integrates with Microsoft Word. The card wizard install can be downloaded from inside the PaperCut NG administration login under the Card section. The download link is located in the Actions area.


The Card Wizard integrates with Microsoft Word. Please ensure that Microsoft Word is installed before using the Card Wizard.


Card Wizard

A tool to help administrators produce a set of cards. The wizard generates cards ready for printing and a number definition file suitable for importing into the PaperCut NG system.

Card Number

All cards are designated a random unique number. PaperCut uses this number to identify the card and its value. Users enter this number to allocate the credit to their account. An example number:


Batch ID

A batch ID is a user defined ID or number assigned to all cards in a batch. The batch ID will prefix all card numbers and are used to identify the source of a card. A unique number should be assigned to each batch.

Valid Till Date (Expiration Date)

Define the date on which a card can no longer be used. It's analogous to a “use by” date on a gift certificate. Expiration dates ensures cards only remain in circulation for a limited period of time. A six to 12 month period is recommended. In a school environment it may be useful to define an expiration date as the last day of the semester.

Mail Merge

Mail merge is an advanced feature of Microsoft Word. The mail merge feature takes a design template and a data source, and merges the two together to construct a composite document. In the card wizard's case, the number list is the data source and the design template is the template Microsoft Word document.

Number Definition File

The number definition file contains information on all cards in a batch including a list of card numbers, their expiration date, and value. The card wizard creates this file during the generation process and the system administrator will import this file into the Card administration section.

Card Number Entry Page

The card web entry page is a designated page inside the user login section.

Table 16.1. Card Terminology

Using the Card Wizard

This section will walk you through the process of creating a batch of TopUp/Pre-Paid Cards. The example covers creating a batch of 100 cards of value $10.00 each.

The Cards feature is accessed via the Cards tab. By default there is no Cards tab in the Professional (Client Billing) installation. You can enable the Cards tab by navigating to the Options section and selecting Enable use of TopUp/PrePaid Cards. Click Apply.

Step 1 - Install the card wizard

Log onto a desktop system with Microsoft Word installed (normally not the server!). Open a web browser at:


Log into PaperCut NG as admin and navigate to the Cards section. Download the card wizard from the Download card wizard action. Run the install program and complete the installation process.

Step 2 - Welcome

Open the Card Wizard from the start menu, and press Next>.

Step 3 - Batch ID & Format

Enter a unique batch ID to define this batch and click Next>. We recommend adapting a consistent convention. For example, choose numbers representing the date, or a sequential numbering scheme.

The wizard offers a choice of two popular card number formats. The Numeric format is the most secure and generates long numbers. The Alphanumeric format produces a shorter format consisting of letters and numbers. The Alphanumeric format is a little less secure due to the reduced number of possible permutations, however it does offer a shorter, more convenient entry format.

Entering a batch ID

Figure 16.1. Entering a batch ID

Step 4 - Card Attributes

Ensure that the number of cards is set up to 100 and the value of each card is $10.00. By default the valid till date is set 6 months in the future. We recommend defining an appropriate date that corresponds to a fixed event such as the end of the year, budget year, term or semester.

Defining a valid till date

Figure 16.2. Defining a valid till date

Step 5 - Design

To produce a set of standard cards, custom design is not required. Simply click the Next> button to move to the next step. Modifying the custom design requires knowledge of Microsoft Word's mail merge functionality. See the the section called “TopUp/Pre-Paid Card Tips” for further details.

Options to edit the card design

Figure 16.3. Options to edit the card design

Step 6 - Generate Numbers

Press Next> to generate the card numbers. The card wizard will prompt you for a location to save the number definition file. Save the file on the local hard driver or a secure network drive.

Step 7 - Create Cards

The card wizard will now generate a merged Microsoft Word document. Before generating the Word document, the card wizard will ask you if Macros have been enabled in Microsoft Word. If the answer is no, or you are unsure, please say No and the card wizard will guide you through the process of enabling Macros. The card wizard uses Word Macros to automate much of the card generation process.

If using Word 2007, after opening the document a Security warning is displayed on the Message Bar. You will need to enable macros by selecting "Enable this content" after clicking on "Options" on the Message Bar.

Enable Macros in MS Word 2007

Figure 16.4. Enable Macros in MS Word 2007

Step 8 - Printing Cards

A new Microsoft Word document will open, listing all 100 cards. The cards are standard business card size suitable for printing on heavy paper and cutting with a paper cutter. For a professional look, consider forwarding a PDF version to your local printing shop. See the section called “TopUp/Pre-Paid Card Tips” for more ideas.

Cards ready for printing

Figure 16.5. Cards ready for printing

Step 9 - Importing

The final step is to activate the cards by importing the number definition file in the PaperCut NG admin section.

  1. Navigate to the Card section.

  2. Select the Import New Cards action.

  3. Click the Browse button and locate the number definition file as saved in step 5 above.

  4. Click the Upload button.

Imported card numbers

Figure 16.6. Imported card numbers

Step 10 - Testing

It is good practice to test the card process by using one of the cards on a test account (standard user level). Remember to destroy the spent card used for the test!

TopUp/Pre-Paid Card Tips


The PaperCut NG card system is designed with security in mind. All fraudulent card redemption attempts are detected, trapped and logged. The number allocation system is highly secure and guessing a number is “statistically impossible”. With 1,000 cards in circulation, the chance of guessing a number is 1-in-10,000,000,000,000, or in non-mathematical terms, it would take over 300,000 years to guess a number if a person enters one number every second!

Like many IT security systems, the weakest link in the system is the human interface. Cards are a form of virtual currency. Care should be taken to protect the cards from unauthorized access and disclosure.

  • Ensure the generated Microsoft Word document is deleted or saved in a secure place after the cards are printed.

  • Always delete the number definition file after importing the batch into PaperCut.

  • Never leave the cards in an unsecured or visible location. Consider sealing cards in envelopes.

  • Check the PaperCut NG application event log on a weekly basis for security messages. PaperCut will log and trap unauthorized card use.

  • Use the card log to track card redemption and allocation.

  • Cancel/Expire lost or stolen cards by batch number as soon as the problem is reported.


The cards are like a form of cash and should be treated with the same care. Make sure the cards are carefully secured.

Cards Design

The Edit Template... button in Step 4 of the card wizard opens the standard card template for editing. The card wizard is able to use any standard mail merge design. It's even possible to convert the template layout to letters rather than cards. Microsoft's mail merge support is designed for Word “power users”. Consider taking the step-by-step mail merge tutorial provided with Microsoft Word help if you do not have experience with Word's mail merge functionality.

Consider keeping your customizations initially simple and work up towards more complex configuration.

To change the logo graphic:

  1. Click the Edit Template... button in step 5.

  2. Say Yes to Enable Macros.

  3. Select the standard PaperCut logo on the first card and press the Delete button on the keyboard.

  4. Select InsertPictureFrom File...

  5. Locate the desired logo and click Insert.

    Inserting a new logo into a card

    Figure 16.7. Inserting a new logo into a card

  6. If using pre-2007 MS Word click on the Propogate Labels button on the mail merge tool bar. The new logo should propagate across all cards on the page.

    Propagate labels button in previous versions of MS Word

    Figure 16.8. Propagate labels button in previous versions of MS Word

    In MS Word 2007, click on the Update Labels button on the Mailings tool bar.

    Update labels button in MS Word 2007

    Figure 16.9. Update labels button in MS Word 2007

  7. Repeat the steps above to change other working and layout as required. Always change the first card then press the Propagate Lables or Update lables button to apply the changes to all cards. IMPORTANT: Do not accidently delete the special <<Next Record>> field as this cause the merge to move to the next card number before printing the next card. Removing this will result in all cards displaying the same card number.

  8. Click FileSave and close Microsoft Word.

  9. Test the template by running a batch in the card wizard.


Design Recommendations:

  • Consider changing the logo and adding your organization name

  • Change the URL reference to point to your intranet site or event your network/card policy page.

  • Provide basic instructions on how to redeem the card or the location of an information page.