Chapter 33. Advanced Server Management

Table of Contents

Server Address
Server address presented to users
Server address presented to external components
Changing the network interface that PaperCut listens on
Overriding the "Host" header for redirects

This chapter contains advanced configuration related to PaperCut's internal web server (powered by Apache Jetty). The configuration options mentioned here should generally only be used as a reference for specific requirements, as some changes could negatively impact on system functionality.

Server Address

Server address presented to users

Some features in PaperCut require being able to create a link or address for the application server. One example of this is when using Email to Print - the verification email sent to users contains a link that they must click. This link must resolve to the PaperCut server both from the internet and from the local network.

The default address presented in these cases is an automatically detected IP address. In some cases this may not be suitable, for example where it needs to be resolved from the internet.

The recommended approach is to configure a DNS name for your PaperCut server that can be resolved and accessed wherever your users require it. This may involve creating a public/external DNS name and opening the appropriate ports in your firewall. After the name is configured, navigate to OptionsAdvancedServer AddressServer address presented to users, choose DNS name and enter your chosen (fully qualified) name.

Server port presented to users

In some circumstances, you may also need to customize the server HTTP port presented to users. An example scenario is when a reverse proxy server for WebAuth or Shibboleth SSO is placed in front of the PaperCut NG server. For this situation, PaperCut provides two advanced config keys to allow the user facing server port to be customized: and (See the section called “Using the Config Editor” for instructions on using the Config Editor.)

Server address presented to external components

In some cases PaperCut will publish its address to external components (e.g. MFDs) to allow them to establish a connection back to the server. The published address is an automatically detected IP address by default. If your server has multiple IP addresses then the detected IP may not be suitable and may cause components to fail to connect.

To resolve this you can configure the network address (e.g. DNS name or IP address) that PaperCut publishes to these external components. To do this use the Config Editor (see the section called “Using the Config Editor”) to change the to your chosen address.

This is configured separately from the Server address presented to users to provide the option to use an IP address for components and a DNS name for users (for example, to avoid DNS lookups on devices that do not cache the result).

PaperCut Site Servers can have their published network address configured by navigating to Sites(site name)ConfigurationNetwork address used by devices.