Table of Contents
This appendix outlines the command line tools and advanced programming tools that come with PaperCut MF. Using these tools has been discussed throughout this manual, however this provides a reference guide to these tools and their use.
The advanced tools provided with PaperCut MF are very powerful and offer opportunities for all manner of customizations and enhancements. However, if used incorrectly, these tools could lead to unexpected results. Many of the advanced tools are written for software and script developers. It is expected that readers intending to use advanced tools are comfortable with using the command-prompt, and developing system management and server monitoring programs.
The server-command
tool provides access to dozens of server operations
ranging from user management, system maintenance, account manipulation and printer control.
The server-command
tool is ideal for controlling the PaperCut MF
Application Server via the command-line or automating via scripts.
Some examples of how an Administrator may choose to use the
Scheduling of online backups and data snapshots.
Scheduling user and/or group synchronization tasks.
Automating the addition of new users after the accounts are added to the network.
Performing account transactions such as adding funds/quota to user accounts.
Automating user account creation using custom scripts.
Disabling/Enabling printers.
Disabling/Enabling printing for users.
Controlling user restriction levels.
Managing shared accounts.
The server-command
program is a command-line tool. It accepts the commands as
arguments and outputs the results of the command on the console (standard-out). For security reasons
only users with read access to the
(normally only the
group) have rights to execute the commands.
Typical use on a Windows system:
Add $10.00 to a user named 'testuser': C:\> cd [app-path]\server\bin\win C:\> server-command adjust-user-account-balance "testuser" 10.00 \ "Added $10.00 to your account"
Note: backslash indicates text should be on the same line.
Server commands can also be called remotely using standard remote command tools.
Use PsExec - a remote command program provided by the Sysinternals team at Microsoft. For example (all on one line):
psexec.exe \\remoteserver \ "C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server\bin\win\server-command.exe" \ disable-printer printsrv1 labprinter -1
Use SSH - a secure remote command/shell program. SSH can be run non-interactively in scripts with the use of an authorized public key added under the papercut account's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list. For example (all on one line):
ssh papercut@remoteserver \ "/home/papercut/server/bin/linux-[x64|i686]/server-command \ disable-printer printsrv1 labprinter -1"
A full list of commands is available via server-command --help
Usage: server-command COMMAND [ARGS...] COMMAND : The server command name. ARGS : A list of arguments to supply to the command. COMMANDS: user-exists <username> Test to see if a user exists. <username> - the username to test. get-user-account-balance <username> [<account>] Get a user's current account balance. <username> - the user's username. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. Leave blank to get total balance. get-user-property <username> <property> Gets a user property. <username> - the name of the user. <property> - the name of the property to get. Valid properties include: balance - the user's current account balance primary-card-number - the user's primary card number secondary-card-number - the user's secondary card number card-pin - the user's card pin number default-shared-account - the user's default shared account name auto-shared-account - the user's automatically selected shared account name department - the user's department disabled-net - whether or not the user's internet access is currently disabled disabled-print - whether or not the user's printing is currently disabled email - the user's email full-name - the user's full name notes - notes for the user office - the user's office print-stats.job-count - the total print job count for the user - the total printed page count for the user - the internet data used by the user (in MB) net-stats.time-hours - the internet time used by the user (in hours) restricted - whether or not the user is currently restricted account-selection.mode - the user's current account selection mode account-selection.can-charge-personal - whether or not the user can charge to their personal account account-selection.can-charge-shared-from-list - whether or not the user can charge to a shared account, selected from a list account-selection.can-charge-shared-by-pin - whether or not the user can charge to a shared account, selected by PIN set-user-property <username> <property> <value> Sets a user property. <username> - the name of the user. <property> - the name of the property to set. Valid properties and values include: balance - the user's current account balance (a decimal number) primary-card-number - the user's card number (any text) secondary-card-number - the user's secondary card number (any text) card-pin - the user's card pin number (any text) default-shared-account - the user's default shared account name department - the user's department (any text) disabled-net - whether or not the user's internet access is currently disabled (TRUE or FALSE) disabled-print - whether or not the user's printing is currently disabled (TRUE or FALSE) email - the user's email (an email address, or any text) full-name - the user's full name (any text) notes - notes for the user (any text) office - the user's office (any text) password - the user's password (for internal users only) (any text) restricted - whether or not the user is currently restricted (TRUE or FALSE) <value> - the value to set (see <property> for valid values). adjust-user-account-balance <username> <adjustment> <comment> [<account>] Adjust a user's account balance. <username> - the user's username. <adjustment> - the adjustment amount as a number. +ve or -ve. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. adjust-user-account-balance-if-available <username> <adjustment> \ <comment> [<account>] Adjust a user's account balance if there is enough credit available. <username> - the user's username. <adjustment> - the adjustment amount as a number. +ve or -ve. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. adjust-user-account-balance-if-available-leave-remaining <username> \ <adjustment> <leave-remaining> <comment> [<account>] Adjust a user's account balance if there is enough credit available to leave the given amount available in the account. <username> - the user's username. <adjustment> - the adjustment amount as a number. +ve or -ve. <leave-remaining> - the amount to leave in the account. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. adjust-user-account-balance-by-group <group> <adjustment> <comment> \ [<account>] Adjust the account balance for all users in a group. This process happens in the background. <group> - the group for which all users' accounts are to be adjusted. <adjustment> - the adjustment amount as a number. +ve or -ve. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. adjust-user-account-balance-by-group-up-to <group> <adjustment> <limit> <comment> [<account>] Adjust the account balance for all users in a group, but don't increase user balance beyond the given limit. This process happens in the background. <group> - the group for which all users' accounts are to be adjusted. <adjustment> - the adjustment amount as a number. +ve or -ve. <limit> - don't increase user balance beyond this limit. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. set-user-account-balance <username> <balance> <comment> [<account>] Set a user's account balance to a set value. <username> - the user's username. <balance> - set the account to this value. +ve or -ve. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. set-user-account-balance-by-group <group> <balance> <comment> [<account>] Set the balance for each member of a group to the given value. This process happens in the background. <group> - the group for which all users' balance is to be set. <balance> - the value to set all users' balance to. +ve or -ve. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. [<account>] - Optional personal account name. Only used when multiple personal accounts are enabled. reset-user-counts <username> <reset_by> Reset the page and job counts associated with a user. <username> - the user's username. <reset_by> - name of the user/script/process resetting the counts. re-apply-initial-user-settings <username> Re-applies initial settings on the user. Initial user settings are based on group membership. <username> - the user's username. disable-printing-for-user <username> <minutes_disabled> Disable printing for a user for a set period of time. <username> - the name of the user to disable printing for. <minutes_disabled> - the time in minutes to disable. -1 indicates forever. add-new-user <username> Trigger the process of adding a new user account. Assuming the user exists in the OS/Network/Domain user directory, the account will be created with the correct initial settings as defined by the rules set up in the admin interface under the Groups section. <username> - the user's system username. rename-user <current_username> <new_username> Rename the given existing user. Use this method with care. Renaming a user should be performed in conjunction with renaming the user in the OS/Network/Domain. <current_username> - the name of the user to rename. <new_username> - the user's new name. delete-existing-user <username> Delete a user account from the system. Use this method with care. Calling this will permanently delete the user account from the user list (print history records remain). <username> - the user's system username. add-new-internal-user <username> <password> <full_name> <email> <card-id> <pin> Create a new internal user. Username and password are required. Other properties may be omitted. Properties may be changed after creation using 'set-user-property'. For more information about internal users See the user manual chapter 'Managing Guests and Internal Users'. <username> - (required) the username of the new internal user. <password> - (required) user's password. <full_name> - (optional) user's full name. <email> - (optional) user's email address. <card-id> - the user's card or identity number. <pin> - the user's card/id PIN. look-up-user-name-by-id-no <id-no> Looks up the user with the given user id number and prints out their user name. If no match was found an empty line is printed out. <id-no> - The user id number to look up. look-up-user-name-by-card-no <card-no> Looks up the user with the given user card number and prints out their user name. If no match was found an empty line is printed out. <card-no> - The user card number to look up. add-user-to-group <username> <group> Add a user to the specified group. It changes the group membership within the application not in the OS/Network/Domain user directory. <username> - the name of the user. <group> - the name of the group to which the user needs to be added. remove-user-from-group <username> <group> Remove a user from the specified group. It changes the group membership within the application not in the OS/Network/Domain user directory. <username> - the name of the user. <group> - the name of the group from which the user needs to be removed. add-admin-access-user <username> Add a user as an admin with default admin rights. <username> - the name of the user. remove-admin-access-user <username> Remove an admin user from the list of admins. <username> - the name of the user. add-admin-access-group <groupname> Add a group as an admin group with default admin rights. <groupname> - the name of the group. remove-admin-access-group <groupname> Remove a group from the list of admin groups. <groupname> - the name of the group. set-user-account-selection-auto-select-shared-account <username> <account_name> <charge_personal> Sets a user's account selection to charge to a single shared account. <username> - the name of the user. <account_name> - Full name of the shared account to charge to. <charge_personal> - whether or not personal account should be charged. (TRUE or FALSE) set-user-account-selection-auto-charge-personal <username> Sets a user's account selection to automatically charge to personal. account. <username> - the name of the user. set-user-account-selection-standard-popup <username> <allow_personal> <allow_list_selection> <allow_pin_code> <allow_printing_as_another_user> <charge_to_personal> [<default_shared_account>] Sets a user's account selection to standard account selection popup. <username> - the name of the user. <allow_personal> - allow user to charge to personal account. <allow_list_selection> - allow user to select a shared account from list. (TRUE or FALSE) <allow_pin_code> - allow user to select a shared account using pin. <allow_printing_as_another_user> - allow user to print as another user. <charge_to_personal> - when shared account is selected charge to personal account. (TRUE or FALSE) [<default_shared_account>] - Optional default shared account list-user-accounts List the names of all the user accounts in the system, sorted by username, one per line. get-total-users Gets a count of all the users in the system. list-shared-accounts List the names of all the shared accounts in the system, sorted by shared account name, one per line. list-user-shared-accounts <username> [<ignoreAccountMode>] List the names of all the shared accounts accessible by the given user sorted by account name, one per line. <username> - User for which to list accounts [<ignoreAccountMode>] - Optional. Specify TRUE to ignore user's account selection mode. (TRUE or FALSE) shared-account-exists <account_name> Test to see if a shared account exists. <account_name> - the shared account name to test. get-shared-account-account-balance <account_name> Get shared account's current account balance. <account_name> - the shared account's full name. get-shared-account-property <account_name> <property> Gets a shared account property. <account_name> - the name of the user. <property> - the name of the property to get. Valid properties include: access-groups - the shared account's access groups (a comma separated list) Use blank to clear all groups access-users - the shared account's access users (a comma separated list) Use blank to clear all users balance - the shared account's current balance comment-option - the shared account's commenting option disabled - whether or not the shared account is currently disabled invoice-option - the shared account's invoicing option notes - notes for the shared account pin - the shared account's PIN restricted - whether or not the shared account is currently restricted set-shared-account-property <account_name> <property> <value> Sets a shared account property. <account_name> - the name of the shared account. <property> - the name of the property to set. Valid properties and values include: access-groups - the shared account's access groups) (a comma separated list) access-users - the shared account's access users (a comma separated list) balance - the shared account's current balance (a decimal number) comment-option - the shared account's commenting option. One of: NO_COMMENT - no comment may be entered COMMENT_REQUIRED - a comment must be entered COMMENT_OPTIONAL - the user may enter a comment or not disabled - whether or not the shared account is currently disabled (TRUE or FALSE) invoice-option - the shared account's invoicing option. One of: ALWAYS_INVOICE - print jobs will always be invoiced NEVER_INVOICE - print jobs will never be invoiced USER_CHOICE_ON - the user can choose (default on/yes) USER_CHOICE_OFF - the user can choose (default off/no) notes - notes for the shared account (any text) pin - the shared account's PIN (any text, must be unique) restricted - whether or not the shared account is currently restricted (TRUE or FALSE) <value> - the value to set (see <property> for valid values). adjust-shared-account-account-balance <account_name> <adjustment> <comment> Adjust a shared account's account balance. <account_name> - the shared account's full name. <adjustment> - the adjustment amount as a number. +ve or -ve. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. set-shared-account-account-balance <account_name> <balance> <comment> Set a shared account's balance to a set value. <account_name> - the shared account's full name. <balance> - set the account to this value. +ve or -ve. <comment> - a comment to be associated with the transaction. add-new-shared-account <shared_account_name> Add a new shared account. <shared_account_name> - the name of the shared account. rename-shared-account <curr_shared_account_name> <new_shared_account_name> Rename an existing shared account. <curr_shared_account_name> - Current shared account name. Use a '\' to denote a subaccount e.g.: 'parent\sub' <new_shared_account_name> - New shared account name. delete-existing-shared-account <shared_account_name> Delete a shared account from the system. Use this method with care. Calling this will permanently delete it from the shared account list (print history records will remain). <shared_account_name> - the name of the shared account to delete. add-shared-account-access-user <shared_account_name> <username> Allow the given user access to the given shared account without using a pin. <shared_account_name> - the name of the shared account to allow access to. <username> - the name of the user to give access to. add-shared-account-access-group <shared_account_name> <group_name> Allow the given group access to the given shared account without using a pin. <shared_account_name> - the name of the shared account to allow access to. <group_name> - the name of the group to give access to. remove-shared-account-access-user <shared_account_name> <username> Revoke the given user'- access to the given shared account. <shared_account_name> - the name of the shared account to revoke access to. <username> - the name of the user to revoke access for. remove-shared-account-access-group <shared_account_name> <group_name> Revoke the given group's access to the given shared account. <shared_account_name> - the name of the shared account to revoke access to. <group_name> - the name of the group to revoke access for. get-printer-property <server_name> <printer_name> <property> Gets a printer property. <server_name> - the name of the server the printer is hosted on. <printer_name> - the name of the printer. <property> - the name of the property to get. Valid properties include: disabled - whether or not the printer is currently disabled print-stats.job-count - the total print job count for this printer - the total printed page count for this printer cost-model - the cost model used by the printer (e.g. SIMPLE) custom-field-1 - the value for custom field 1 if set. custom-field-2 - the value for custom field 2 if set. custom-field-3 - the value for custom field 3 if set. custom-field-4 - the value for custom field 4 if set. custom-field-5 - the value for custom field 5 if set. custom-field-6 - the value for custom field 6 if set. set-printer-property <server_name> <printer_name> <property> <value> Sets a printer property. <server_name> - the name of the server the printer is hosted on. <printer_name> - the name of the printer. <property> - the name of the property to set. Valid properties and values include: disabled - whether or not the printer is currently disabled (TRUE or FALSE) custom-field-1 - the value for custom field 1 custom-field-2 - the value for custom field 2 custom-field-3 - the value for custom field 3 custom-field-4 - the value for custom field 4 custom-field-5 - the value for custom field 5 custom-field-6 - the value for custom field 6 override-user-level-settings - whether or not printer should override user level settings. (TRUE or FALSE) override-user-level-settings-charge-to - the name of the shared account. Use "[personal]" for personal account. Use blank to disable charge to settings. <value> - the value to set (see <property> for valid values). list-printers List the names of all the printers in the system, sorted by printer name, one per line. set-printer-cost-simple <server_name> <printer_name> <cost_per_page> Sets the printer's page cost (using SIMPLE charging model). <server_name> - the name of the server the printer is hosted on. <printer_name> - the name of the printer. <cost_per_page> - the cost per page (simple charging model) get-printer-cost-simple <server_name> <printer_name> Get the printer's page cost (using SIMPLE charging model). <server_name> - the name of the server the printer is hosted on. <printer_name> - the name of the printer. reset-printer-counts <server_name> <printer_name> <reset_by> Reset the page and job counts associated with a printer. <server_name> - the name of the server hosting the printer. <printer_name> - the printer's name. <reset_by> - name of the user/script/process resetting the counts. add-printer-group <server_name> <printer_name> <printer_group_name> Add a printer to a single printer group in addition to existing printer group membership. <server_name> - the name of the server hosting the printer. <printer_name> - the printer's name. <printer_group_name> - name of a printer group. set-printer-groups <server_name> <printer_name> <printer_group_names> Set the printer groups a printer belongs to, overwriting any existing group membership. <server_name> - the name of the server hosting the printer. <printer_name> - the printer's name. <printer_group_names> - a comma separated list of printer group names. To clear all group association set to "". enable-printer <server_name> <printer_name> Enable a printer. <server_name> - the name of the server hosting the printer. <printer_name> - the printer's name. disable-printer <server_name> <printer_name> <minutes_disabled> Disable a printer for a set period of time. <server_name> - the name of the server hosting the printer. <printer_name> - the printer's name. <minutes_disabled> - the time in minutes to disable. -1 indicates forever. delete-printer <server_name> <printer_name> Delete a printer. <server_name> - the name of the server hosting the printer. <printer_name> - the printer's name. Use "[All Printers]" to delete all printers on the specified server. rename-printer <server_name> <printer_name> <new_server_name> <new_printer_name> Rename a printer. This can be useful after migrating a print queue or print server (i.e. the printer retains its history and settings under the new name). Note that in some cases case sensitivity is important, so care should be taken to enter the name exactly as it appears in the OS. <server_name> - the existing printer's server name <printer_name> - the existing printer's queue name <new_server_name> - the new printer's server name <new_printer_name> - the new printer's queue name add-printer-access-group <server_name> <printer_name> <group_name> Adds the user group to the printer's access group list. <server_name> - the printer's server name <printer_name> - the printer's queue name <group_name> - the name of the user group that needs to be added. remove-printer-access-group <server_name> <printer_name> <group_name> Removes the user group from the printer's access group list. <server_name> - the printer's server name <printer_name> - the printer's queue name <group_name> - the name of the user group that needs to be removed. add-new-group <group_name> Add a new group to the system's group list. The group should already exist in network directory. <group_name> - The name of the group to add. sync-group <group_name> Syncs an existing group with the configured directory server, updates group membership in the system. <group_name> - The name of the group to sync. remove-group <group_name> Removes the group. <group_name> - The name of the group to remove. get-user-groups <user_name> Retrieves all groups a single user belongs to. <user_name> - The name of the user to query. list-user-groups List the names of all the user groups in the system, sorted by groupname, one per line. group-exists <group_name> Test to see if a group exists. <group_name> - the group name to test. set-group-quota <group_name> <quota_amount> <period> <quota_max_accum> <group_name> - the name of the group to set. <quota_amount> - the quota amount. <period> - the schedule period (i.e. DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY). <quota_max_accum> - the quota maximum accumulation amount. Set to 0.0 to have no limit. get-group-quota <group_name> Get the group quota allocation settings on a given group. Returns the quota amount, the schedule period and the quota maximumn accumulation amount. <group_name> - the name of the group to get. use-card <user_name> <card_number> Redeem a card and place the credit on the user's account. <user_name> - the name of the user with the account to credit. <card_number> - the number of the card to use. perform-online-backup Start an online backup. The back file is written to ~/server/data/backups. as a dated, zipped XML file. This process happens in the background. perform-group-sync Start the process of synchronizing the system's group membership with the OS/Network/Domain's group membership. A call to this method will commence the sync process and the operation will complete in the background. perform-user-and-group-sync Start a full user and group synchronization. This is equivalent to pressing the "Synchronize Now" button in the admin interface. No existing users will be removed. Whether or not full details for existing users will be updated depends on the current user/group sync settings as defined in the admin interface. A call to this method will commence the sync process and the operation will complete in the background. perform-user-and-group-sync-advanced <delete_old_users> <update_details> An advanced version of the user and group synchronization process providing control over the sync settings. A call to this method will commence the sync process and the operation will complete in the background. <delete_old_users> - set to TRUE remove old users, else FALSE. <update_details> - set to TRUE if existing users details (e.g. email, full-name, etc. ) are to be updated. add-new-users Calling this method will start a specialized user and group synchronization process optimized for tracking down adding any new users that exist in the OS/Network/Domain user directory and not in the system. Any existing user accounts will not be modified. A group synchronization will only be performed if new users are actually added to the system. is-task-complete Returns TRUE if a long running task such as perform-group-sync, perform-user-and-group-sync, or add-new-users has completed. get-task-status Returns status information such as progress, completion status and, error messages, on the current or last run long running task such as perform-group-sync, perform-user-and-group-sync, or add-new-users. batch-import-shared-accounts <import_file> <test> <delete_non_existent_accounts> Import the shared accounts contained in the given tab-delimited import file. <import_file> - the import file location. <test> - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, perform a test only. The printed statistics will show what would have occurred if testing wasn't enabled. No accounts will be modified. <delete_non_existent_accounts> - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, accounts that do not exist in the import file but exist in the system will be deleted. If FALSE, they will be ignored. batch-import-users <import_file> <create_new_users> Import the users contained in the given tab-delimited import file. See the user manual chapter 'Batch User Data Import and Update' for a description of the file format. <import_file> - the import file location. <create_new_users> If TRUE, users only existing in the import file will be newly created, otherwise ignored. batch-import-internal-users <import_file> <overwrite_existing_passwords> <overwrite_existing_pins> Import the internal users contained in the given tab-delimited import file. See the user manual chapter 'Managing Guests and Internal Users' for a description of the file format. <import_file> - the import file location. <overwrite_existing_passwords> (optional, default TRUE) - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, passwords from the import file will overwrite existing passwords where a user already has a has a password set. If FALSE, existing passwords will not be changed. <overwrite_existing_pins> (optional, default TRUE) - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, PINs from the import file will overwrite existing PINs where a user already has a has a PIN set. If FALSE, existing PINs will not be changed. batch-import-user-card-id-numbers <import_file> <overwrite_existing_pins> Import the user card/ID numbers and PINs contained in the given tab-delimited import file. See the user manual chapter 'Advanced User Management' for a description of the file format). <import_file> - the import file location. <overwrite_existing_pins> (optional, default TRUE) - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, PINs from the import file will overwrite existing PINs where a user already has a has a PIN set. If FALSE, existing PINs will not be changed. create-user-client-accounts-file Saves a file containing shared accounts data for the user client. See the manual for more information on how this feature can be used. The file will be saved on the server to the location: [app-path]\server\data\client\client-accounts.dat If this file already exists it will be over-written. get-config <config-name> Gets the value of the given config value printing the result. If the config value does not exist, a blank string is displayed. <config-name> - the name of the config value to get. set-config <config-name> <config-value> Sets the value of the give config item. NOTE: Take care updating config values. You may cause serious problems which can only be fixed by reinstallation of the application. Use the set-config command at your own risk. <config-name> - the name of the config value to set. <config-value> - the value to set. process-job <job-details> Takes the details of a job and logs and charges as if it were a "real" job. Jobs processed via this method are not susceptible to filters, pop-ups, hold/release queues etc., they are simply logged. See the user manual section "Importing Job Details" for more information and the format of <job-details>. <job-details> - the details of the job to log. run-command command-name [command args] Runs a custom command on the server. By default the server does not include any custom commands. The command arguments depend on the custom command being run.
is ideal for scripting via batch files or shell scripts.
Some example scripts can be found at [app-path]/server/examples/scripting/
Administrators wishing to control PaperCut MF using a programming language such as C#, Java,
Visual Basic, Perl, Ruby or Python should consider the XML Web Services APIs. All commands
available via the server-command
tool are also accessible via calls to the
Web Services layer.
More information on the XML Web Services API is available in the section called “The XML Web Services API”.
Checking for errors: generally server-command
will return an exit value of 0.
When writing your script you should check the string value that server-command
prints on standard output instead. server-command
will return a non-zero return value
if it detects an error with the parameters passed on the command line.
Some commands (e.g. batch-import-internal-users
expect values that are true
or false
In this case the command parameter is compared to the value
using a case insensitive compare, all other values are assumed to be false
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