You are here: Configuration > Advanced customization > Customize the Login page

Customize the Login page

You can tailor the visual design of the Login page to make it fit in with the branding of your internet or intranet site.

  1. Click the Options tab.

    The General page is displayed.

  2. Scroll to the Branding > Login page section.

  3. To use a color as the background:

    1. In Background, select Color from the drop-down list.
    2. In the text box , enter the name of the required color or its hexadecimal value #RRGGBB. e.g. green or #00ae5b.
  4. To use an image as the background:

    1. In Background, select Image from the drop-down list.
    2. Click Choose File; then locate the image. The image must be in PNG or JPG format and for best results should be sized 1366px x 768px.
  5. To change the logo:

    1. Click Choose File next to Logo; then locate the logo image file. The image must be in PNG or JPG format and for best results should be sized 250px x 64px.
  6. To change the instructions displayed above the username and password fields:

    1. In Instructions, enter the text. You can use HTML tags to add links and formatting. Use this text to explain which username or password to use (if you have multiple logins at your organization). The maximum number of characters is 1,000.
  7. To change the color of the login button:

    1. In Button color, enter the name of the required color or its hexadecimal value #RRGGBB. e.g. green or #00ae5b.
  8. Click Apply.

  9. The changes are reflected on the Login page.

    If you modify the Background or Logo, the Login page footer displays PaperCut Software International Pty. Ltd. co-branding.


To undo the changes made and restore the default PaperCut NG styling, click the [Reset to default] link.

The following config keyA config key stores information about a specific advanced setting in PaperCut. Config keys are editable by an administrator in the Config Editor. allow you to customize the login page:

Config nameDescription
auth.web-login.autocomplete Specify Y to enable browser auto-completion of the login fields as a convenience to users. By default, the browser is requested to not use auto-completion.

See Using the Config Editor for more information about changing the value of config keys.