Using this manual
Welcome to the PaperCut NG manual. This guide provides a wealth of information about how to set up and use PaperCut NG. This section provides details about how to use the manual.
Navigating the manual
You can navigate the manual in the following ways:

Use the Search to find content relating to a specific subject. For more information, see Searching for content.
Searching for content
The PaperCut NG manual allows you to perform advanced searching of content using the following methods:

The PaperCut NG manual supports full-text search.
Retrieve a list of topics that match a text string. Search results include these matches:
Case-insensitive Matches
Search is not case-sensitive. For example, a search for the word "mac" will find matches for "Mac" and "mac."
Matches with Variant Endings
For example, a search for the word "print" will also find matches for words such as "printer," "printing," and "prints". Since matches are not case-sensitive, the results include topics containing matches such as "Printer," "Printing," and "Prints."

This search method is similar to simple text search, except it allows you to search for partial-word and number strings.

Search for phrases by enclosing the search terms in quotation marks. This is useful when you want to restrict a search to locate terms that are in an exact order. For example, you might want to search for a phrase such as "Dog Friendly."

The table below details the supported variables and provides usage examples:
Operator | Usage |
Use to narrow the search and retrieve only the topics that contain all of the words it separates. Type AND between two or more terms. This is not case sensitive. |
When separating terms with a blank space, the AND is always inferred. |
Instead of the word AND, type the plus symbol (+). |
OR |
Instead of the word AND, type the ampersand symbol (&). |
Use to search for two or more words. This broadens the search results by retrieving topics that contain any of the words it separates. Type or between two or more terms. This operator is not case sensitive. |
Type the pipe symbol (|) instead of typing OR. Example:
You can search for dog | cat | parrot. |
Use to find topics that contain one term but not the other. Type a term, followed by the carat symbol (^), and then type another term. |
( ) Use parentheses to combine boolean phrases and search terms. Type parentheses ( ) around the combined terms. |
Search Results
When you search within the manual, a list of search results is displayed. These search results have the following features:
- If you open the manual directly from PaperCut NG, the Search will search only the manual content.
- If you open the manual from the PaperCut Software website, the Search will search the entire PaperCut Software website, including the website, the Knowledge Base, and the manual. You can then filter the search results by website, Knowledge Base, and manual.