Linux FAQ
Troubleshooting & installation questions

If you do not run the root level tasks during installation, or if they fail, you can manually run them later by running the following shell scripts as root:

The first step is to check to see if the PaperCut NG is listening on the port. The command:
netstat -anp | grep 9191
should list the pc-app as the owner of the process on port 9191. If nothing is listed, check that the Application ServerAn Application Server is the primary server program responsible for providing the PaperCut user interface, storing data, and providing services to users. PaperCut uses the Application Server to manage user and account information, manage printers, calculate print costs, provide a web browser interface to administrators and end users, and much more. has started (e.g. ps -ef | grep pc-app).
If the server is already running, the next step is to ensure no IP filtering is applied to the port. Some Linux distributions have strict iptables filtersFilters allow you to control attributes of the print settings by either forcing a particular attribute or denying a a print job that does not meet specific criteria. There are two types of print filters: conversions and restrictions. enabled by default. Ensure that port 9191 is accessible from all local network systems.

The SYSV style start script included should work with all systems using an /etc/rc*.d style boot process. Some administrators might want to replace the app-server with a custom script that better fits in with their Linux distributions style guide. Administrators should consider storing this script outside the PaperCut NG install structure so it's not overwritten in any further upgrade.
However, if the system is using SYSD, use the service definition files (see Root Level Tasks) for configuration changes. Do not modify the app-server script.

No. At the moment the installation, and other scripts, assume the existence of a user called papercut. This might, however, change in the future. E-mail your thoughts to the development team!

No. At the moment we're supplying it as a self-extracting and self-installing archive. This allows the flexibility to support install-over-the-top for upgrades and maintain full control over the installation process. The process also allows PaperCut NG to run and install on systems not using RPM or apt. We also plan on supporting other Unix based operating systems in the future such as FreeBSD and Solaris. The current installation method should work with all standard Linux distributions.
General questions

PaperCut NG in not "open source" in reference to it being available under the GPL or another popular open source license. Source code is, however, provided to customers upon request as needed for security reviews. As a company, PaperCut Software is transparent in our development approach, works closely with our users, and support a number of open source projects both financially and with code submission. PaperCut NG, however, remains a commercial application with commercial support at the current time.