You are here: Configuration > Services for Users > Environmental Dashboard / Windows Live Tiles > Using Environmental Dashboard on other browsers/platforms

Using Environmental Dashboard on other browsers/platforms

The Environmental DashboardThe Environmental Dashboard is a desktop widget that presents data from PaperCut about the environmental impact of printing at both an individual user and organization level. This widget draws a user's attention to their printing impact and allows them to compare their usage to a benchmark. displays interesting environmental impact and printing statistics for the user and organization. The Dashboard is useful to all users and can be accessed using any web browser running on any platform.

The simplest way to access the Environmental Dashboard is to open a web browser to:

  1. Open a web browser to the following URL:


  2. Enter their network username/password. After successful login you are taken to the Environmental Dashboard showing your usage statistics.


An alternate way to access the dashboard is to open a browser to the following URL (replacing [username] with their username): http://[server-name]:9191/environment/dashboard/[username]/ This URL could be linked from the organization's intranet site if the user's username is known.