You are here: Configuration > Advanced user management > Enabling username aliasing

Enabling username aliasing

In some scenarios, a particular user wants to print a job but his/her username has been changed for various reasons and it is reflected in PaperCut now as a different username. Examples of why the username has changed include:

  • Two networks/domains/servers have different naming conventions, e.g. for user John Smith, one network uses the convention "j.smith" while the other uses "jsmith".

  • For some policy reasons, the format of usernames has changed and you want to allow forgetful users to log in with their previous username.

  • Print jobs are coming from an ERP or mainframe system where usernames are different.

  • In some organizations, users log in with employee numbers.

  • Print jobs coming from some software packages might use the "application username" and not the user's network username used by PaperCut. This can occur in some SAP configurations.

  • Unix has strict requirements for usernames, (IEEE Std 1003.1–2001), where the only valid characters are letters, digits, underscores, full stops, at-signs, dashes (but not start with a dash) and having $ at the end. So when printing on a Unix server, it can sanitize the username, such as converting an apostrophe into an underscore, and then recording in PaperCut as a different user when one really wants it to be the same user.

To work around this problem PaperCut allows users to have an alias for their username. The username alias is applied at the following levels:

Enable username aliasing

  1. Select Options > Advanced.

    The Advanced page is displayed.

  2. In the Username Aliasing area, select the Enable username aliasing check box.

  3. Click Apply.

Once username aliasing is enabled, Username alias is displayed on the User Details page.

You can import this information from Active Directory or LDAPThe Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service protocol that runs on a layer above the TCP/IP stack. It provides a mechanism used to connect to, search, and modify Internet directories. The LDAP directory service is based on a client-server model. during an overnight sync. Once username aliasing is enabled, an option to enter an AD/LDAP field name is displayed under Options > User/Group sync. You can choose any valid Active Directory user field to import this information. For example: employeeNumber, employeeID, otherLoginWorkstations.

Once this is set, information from this Active Directory field is imported every night as username aliases. For more information on user group synchronization see Synchronizing user and group details.